Angélica's Story - The best part of being grateful

Before I turned 28, I did not know the habit of gratitude, and this led me to my emotions dominating me, to having a good mood depending on whether only good things happened to me. It did not allow me to see beyond my nose. As we usually say here where I live, everything changes when I exceed my endurance point.

Everything simply began to bother me, and I began to question a lot of things. It was there that I began to read about spiritual development, watch videos, and gave myself the opportunity to pay for sessions of spiritual development coaching. Since I was already fed up with everything bad, I was willing to do whatever was necessary to change my life.

The coach recommended that we have the habit of gratitude, and since I started doing it, the change was impressive. Simply giving yourself permission to find something you feel truly grateful for changes your vibration instantly! It's magical because your mind begins to focus on the positive things you have, and what you focus on expands. So, having the simple habit of being grateful every day attracts new levels of blessings to your life.

Even when I have moments where my soul is challenged, I give myself permission to be grateful for my mistakes because they are the same ones that are showing me the way to how I can get what I want. It is as if the solutions to my challenges magically come to me, and everything becomes better and more harmonious. Today, I feel like the superhero of my own destiny, and there is nothing I like more than this.

(Translated from Spanish)