101 Daily Affirmations for Mindful, Joyful Days

In this post, you will find 101 daily affirmations to help you maintain healthy and positive self-talk throughout the day.

Positive affirmations are a helpful and much-loved tool to support one's well-being journey. They are highly effective in forming positive self-talk that is compassionate and focused on our strengths.

🌺 If you want to go deeper into affirmations and build the habit of practicing them, our Gratitude app will be a great tool.

You can not only write affirmations but record your voice and play them too. You can also listen to our pre-recorded folders whenever you want. Try it here. 👈

Now, here are your 101 daily affirmations:

Daily Affirmations

  1. I am always headed in the right direction.
  2. I trust that I am on the right path.
  3. I am creatively inspired by the world around me.
  4. My mind is full of brilliant ideas.
  5. I put my energy into things that matter to me.
  6. I trust myself to make the right decision.
  7. I am becoming closer to my true self every day.
  8. I am grateful to have people in my life who care for me.
  9. I am learning valuable lessons from myself every day.
  10. I am at peace with who I am as a person.
  11. I welcome all new opportunities and experiences.
  12. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.
  13. Happiness is within my grasp.
  14. I am confident in the presence of others.
  15. Everything will work out for me.
  16. I am a winner.
  17. My commitment to myself is real.
  18. Positivity is a choice that I choose to make.
  19. I choose hope.
  20. My opinion matters.
  21. I achieve whatever I set my mind to.
  22. I am open to limitless possibilities.
  23. I continue to climb higher, there are no limits to what I can achieve.
  24. I am a strong individual who attracts success and happiness.
  25. I let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my success.
  26. The world needs my light and I am not afraid to shine.
  27. Every day I become more confident, powerful, and successful.
  28. I am worthy of all the good life has to offer, and I deserve to be successful.
  29. I am always open-minded and eager to explore new avenues to success.
  30. I am a powerful creator. I create the life I want and enjoy it.
  31. I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me.
  32. I stay focused on my vision and pursue my daily work with passion.
  33. I take pride in my ability to make worthwhile contributions to the world.
  34. Everywhere I look, I see prosperity.
  35. As I allow more abundance into my life, more doors open for me.
  36. Wealth constantly flows into my life.
  37. My actions create constant wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  38. I am living my life in a state of complete abundance.
  39. I believe that I can do anything.
  40. I have goals and dreams that I am going to achieve.
  41. I am a goal-getter and won’t stop at anything to achieve my goals.
  42. Everything is going to be okay.
  43. One day at a time, one step at a time.
  44. I am in harmony and balance with life.
  45. Releasing stress is easy.
  46. I choose to feel peaceful.
  47. I am a good person who deserves happiness, health, and peace.
  48. There are some things I can’t change, and I’m OKAY with that.
  49. Good things continually happen to me.
  50. Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
  51. I am worthy of good things.
  52. I am inhaling confidence and exhaling fear.
  53. I am accepting myself unconditionally.
  54. I have endless strength.
  55. I am so much stronger than I realize.
  56. I have the power to face any difficulty.
  57. I am powerful.
  58. It will all be okay.
  59. Everything is easy for me to handle.
  60. I am learning to support my best self.
  61. With each passing moment, I am feeling calmer.
  62. I deserve to be kind to myself.
  63. I go through life one step at a time.
  64. I am in control of my thoughts.
  65. Everything is fine.
  66. My voice matters.
  67. I am worthy of good health.
  68. I am a willing participant in my own wellness plan.
  69. I am open to new ways of improving my health.
  70. My body knows how to heal itself.
  71. I am a friend to my body.
  72. I accept myself for who I am.
  73. I am building my future.
  74. I choose to think positively.
  75. My happiness is up to me.
  76. I start with a positive mindset.
  77. Anything is possible.
  78. I radiate positive energy.
  79. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.
  80. I can take deep breaths.
  81. With every breath, I feel stronger.
  82. I only compare myself to myself.
  83. I can do anything.
  84. It is enough to do my best.
  85. I can be anything I want to be.
  86. I accept who I am.
  87. I believe in myself.
  88. I am proud of myself.
  89. I deserve to be happy.
  90. I give myself permission to heal.
  91. I allow myself to give and receive love.
  92. I am capable of unconditional love.
  93. I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
  94. I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
  95. I am feeling healthy and strong today.
  96. My body is a vessel of wellness.
  97. Today I will focus on what makes me feel good.
  98. I am a healthy and happy person.
  99. I know each day is a blessing and a gift.
  100. Today is going to be a really, really good day.
  101. I am excited to wake up today and experience this beautiful life that I am creating with my thoughts and visions.

🌺 Continue Reading: 5 Acts of Kindness to Do for Yourself Daily