Heather's Story - Gratitude in the mundane

Gratitude is an often overlooked concept that has had a profound impact on my perspective of life. It has allowed me to shift away from a mindset of despair and victimhood, choosing instead to embrace life and all its complexities.

In my view, gratitude involves recognizing and appreciating the numerous blessings we encounter, whether they are substantial or minor. This encompasses everything from the gift of life itself and the support of our loved ones, to having a place to call home, and even the valuable lessons we learn along the way.

Previously, I held a pessimistic outlook and saw the world as a constant adversary, making it difficult to find happiness or perceive beauty in everyday moments.

However, as I embarked on my journey into adulthood, around the age of 25, I came to realize the power of gratitude. At that time, I found myself trapped in a bottomless pit of self-pity and anger, resulting in an overall sense of misery.

Through my involvement in an artistic community that uses art as a form of expression, I had the fortune to meet a woman who introduced me to a transformative practice.

She had faced the unexpected loss of her husband and started each day by identifying three things she was grateful for. This practice not only helped her cherish the small and significant aspects of life, but it also highlighted the ordinary elements that often go unnoticed and unappreciated.

I have learned that even in the face of challenges, it is crucial to make the most of what life presents to us and maintain an attitude of gratitude.