100 Saturday Affirmations to Enjoy a Restful Weekend

Welcome to Saturday and this blog post with Saturday affirmations!

I think Saturday is the most popular day of the week, along with Friday evening. Who doesn't love to relax after a week's worth of hard work, right?

Saturday is what we deserve. Saturday is the best.

So, let's chill out, sip a cool drink, lay on our beds, and celebrate this awesome day with Saturday Affirmations!

Saturday Affirmations

  1. I am so grateful for Saturday.
  2. I welcome Saturday with open arms.
  3. I am excited to have a great Saturday.
  4. Hello Saturday, let's have a wonderful time together.
  5. I am feeling happy and calm.
  6. I allow myself to pause.
  7. I allow myself to rest.
  8. I allow myself to do nothing.
  9. I am grateful for the opportunity to relax.
  10. I am ready to spend time with myself.
  11. I am excited about a peaceful weekend.
  12. I deserve peace.
  13. I deserve to rest.
  14. It's okay to do nothing.
  15. It's okay for me to have time for myself.
  16. I am ready to have a weekend I love.
  17. I deserve this weekend.
  18. I am a unique and beautiful soul.
  19. I make space for myself.
  20. I am embracing my inner child.
  21. It's okay to have fun like a child.
  22. I embrace myself fully.
  23. I deserve the life I dream of.
  24. I deserve to love every day of the week.
  25. Happiness chooses me.
  26. I am in harmony and balance with life.
  27. Releasing stress is easy.
  28. I choose to feel peaceful.
  29. Good things continually happen to me.
  30. Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
  31. I am worthy of good things.
  32. I start with a positive mindset.
  33. Anything is possible.
  34. I radiate positive energy.
  35. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.
  36. I can take deep breaths.
  37. With every breath, I feel stronger.
  38. I only compare myself to myself.
  39. I can do anything.
  40. In this moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.
  41. I have everything I need to create a beautiful day today.
  42. I allow myself to live in the moment.
  43. I am connecting with my breath.
  44. I let of of all that I need to.
  45. I am free.
  46. I am amazing.
  47. I can do anything I set my mind to.
  48. I deserve fulfilling relationships.
  49. I can be anything I want to be.
  50. I accept who I am.

Weekend Affirmations

  1. I believe in myself.
  2. I am proud of myself.
  3. I deserve to be happy.
  4. I take care of my health.
  5. Staying healthy is an important goal for me.
  6. My health is my priority.
  7. I intend to make my wishes come true.
  8. I manifest all I need with ease.
  9. I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.
  10. I see my goals clearly.
  11. The power of my mind is limitless.
  12. I am the hero of my own life story.
  13. Today I will focus on what makes me feel good.
  14. I am a healthy and happy person.
  15. I know each day is a blessing and a gift.
  16. Today is going to be a really, really good day.
  17. I am confident and full of joy.
  18. I am growing every day and learning about myself.
  19. My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.
  20. I forgive myself for my past mistakes.
  21. The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.
  22. I am now open to giving and receiving love.
  23. I am always kind.
  24. I love everything that has made me who I am.
  25. I welcome blessings to rain over me.
  26. There is no room for drama and pessimism in my life.
  27. The more I let go, the more I enjoy it.
  28. I meditate to free my mind from ill thoughts.
  29. I feel love and live in peace.
  30. I am a priority in my life.
  31. My health and healing matter.
  32. Life brings me only good experiences.
  33. I am open to new and wonderful challenges.
  34. I release others with love.
  35. I deserve the best, and I accept it now.
  36. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.
  37. Wellness is the natural state of my body.
  38. I live authentically.
  39. I am happy and free.
  40. I live intentionally.
  41. All my decisions help me to progress toward my vision.
  42. I am calm and at peace.
  43. I live courageously.
  44. I wake up every morning ready for a new day of opportunities.
  45. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me.
  46. As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes.
  47. I am in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing.
  48. It is safe to look within.
  49. I can manifest joy and healing.
  50. I give myself permission to heal.

Continue Reading: 100 Sunday Affirmations to Celebrate the End of The Week