100 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Clear Communication

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Throat Chakra (also called Vishuddha) Affirmations.

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. It is connected to effective communication, self-expression, clarity, and inspiration.

💗 Expressing yourself clearly is a part of self-love. If you'd like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source - Healthline)

100 Throat Chakra Affirmations

  1. I always speak in terms of success and prosperity.
  2. I always stay calm and collected when I speak.
  3. I always take part in intelligent discussions.
  4. I always voice my opinions in a calm and considerate way.
  5. I am a confident speaker.
  6. I am confident speaking in my area of expertise.
  7. I am a deliberate listener, pausing to reflect before responding.
  8. I am a good listener.
  9. I am a great communicator.
  10. I am clear and concise in my communications.
  11. I am a patient and attentive listener.
  12. I am always present when I communicate with others.
  13. I am an excellent speaker.
  14. I speak my truth freely and openly
  15. Being honest frees me.
  16. I am accountable for expressing myself clearly.
  17. I am safe and express myself truthfully.
  18. My honesty attracts what I deserve.
  19. I have the strength to tame my tongue.
  20. I have a rich vocabulary and add to it daily.
  21. I can talk about anything and everything with my people.
  22. I express myself most clearly and honestly.
  23. I listen intently when others are speaking.
  24. I am a born speaker.
  25. I trust my ability to speak for what is right, than any other thing.
  26. I have nothing to worry about- I have mastered one of the most important skills and that is communication.
  27. I make people laugh with my great sense of humor.
  28. My plus point is I am confident to speak with anyone.
  29. I can flow with the conversation.
  30. I am friendly and good to talk to.
  31. I can safely communicate my feelings with others.
  32. I only take part in positive conversations.
  33. My words illuminate my point of view.
  34. I will others understand the importance of having good communication skills.
  35. My talent for communication has helped me a lot to get over many things.
  36. I enjoy talking to other people.
  37. I make eye contact with people when I speak.
  38. I can make a difference in society and the world with the help of my communication skills.
  39. I speak with confidence and calmness.
  40. My ability to communicate draws others closer to me.
  41. I express myself with ease.
  42. I interact well with others.
  43. My voice matters.
  44. My words matter.
  45. I am proud of my communication skills.
  46. I increase my vocabulary every day.
  47. I know what the right thing is to say.
  48. I comfort others with my words.
  49. I clearly express myself.
  50. I have a loving voice.
  51. I deserve to be fully expressed in who I am.
  52. I release the blocks that keep me from being the fullest expression of myself.
  53. I am vibrant and radiating with light.
  54. I let go of any fear that exists in me about being fully expressed.
  55. I am creative.
  56. It is okay for me to want more.
  57. I am allowed to take up space.
  58. I am allowed to speak up.
  59. I am allowed to be uniquely me.
  60. I am worthy of a self-expressed life.
  61. I can be who I am right now in this moment.
  62. I do not need permission to be me.
  63. I express what I feel with strength, confidence, and honesty.
  64. It is safe for me to follow my curiosity in life.
  65. I surrender to the magical mystery of the universe, and to her divine guidance.
  66. I am deeply in love with and accept all of me.
  67. I am fully expressed.
  68. I express myself clearly and truthfully.
  69. I am safe to express my feelings and emotions.
  70. I make space for self-expression in my life.
  71. I am creative in the way that I express myself.
  72. I am worthy, and who I am right now, is worth expressing.
  73. My voice is my power.
  74. I am being sung by source energy.
  75. I expand my energy and let go of judgments.
  76. My voice is a unique contribution to the world.
  77. My body is open and free to express my voice.
  78. I trust the brilliance that comes through my voice.
  79. I always express my emotions.
  80. I let others know how I am really feeling.
  81. I always speak my mind.
  82. I show the world who I truly am.
  83. I allow others to see the real me.
  84. I stand up for myself and tell people how I feel.
  85. I stand up for what I believe in.
  86. I am comfortable confronting others and telling them how I feel.
  87. My words are positive and passionate.
  88. I value what other people have to say.
  89. I can remain calm when speaking to others.
  90. I read quickly and easily with great comprehension of all subject matter.
  91. I have many things to share with the people around me.
  92. I freely express my emotions in a calm and thoughtful manner.
  93. I am a natural communicator.
  94. I find talking to people on the phone easy and enjoyable.
  95. I express my feelings with sincerity.
  96. I talk only when others have finished speaking.
  97. I am an excellent communicator.
  98. I turn pending arguments into enriching discussions.
  99. It is totally safe for me to express my own true feelings.
  100. My ability to communicate effectively improves daily.

💡 Continue Reading: 100 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Unending Love and Joy