Allie's Story - New Start!
"These past 6 months have been the hardest, most emotional, darkest times of my life...."

These past 6 months have been the hardest, most emotional, darkest times of my life. But through it all, I'm so grateful and blessed because of it. On August 29, 2023, I was blindsided by my now ex that he was wanting a divorce. He didn't tell me face to face but through text. I was devastated. I found out that he was having multiple affairs and that he was leaving me for one of the women he was messing around with.
I didn't know what to do next because I had no savings to spend on a lawyer or find a new place to stay at the time, and I knew that I no longer wanted to live there with him because of the emotional strain it would put on me. I was also so ashamed to tell my family and friends about the situation because I felt like a failure.
I eventually told my best friend what was going on, and she let me stay with her for a couple of months. During that time, I prayed a lot, journaled, and ugly cried a lot. I also bought a gratitude journal and wrote in it every day. I was even able to save for a lawyer and for my own apartment during that time.
During one of my talks with my best friend, I realized that I didn't want to harbor any negative feelings from this situation even though deep down, I wanted to fight and be so angry. And by realizing that, I started to feel better and see a little clearer each day. I also started to incorporate affirmations into my daily routine. Telling myself that "I am strong. I am beautiful. I am loved. And I am independent." They made me feel like I could make it through. As the days progressed, I moved into my now apartment. I was able to fully furnish it and saved all the money I needed to hire and pay off the lawyer.
Some days are easier than others, but I'm still standing tall with my head held high. I'm new to the Gratitude app, but it's been so helpful during my hard days. It helps me to be grateful for the small things that mean more to me now than the things I thought I had lost. I think it's important to show gratitude because it helps remind us that we are more blessed than we know even in our darkest days.