100+ Calming Affirmations for Inner Peace and Tranquility

Let's take a deep breath and take it slow...

Image with illustration of a giraffe

Life can be a complete ruckus and sometimes it will be one for so long that we can't see the end of it... People can betray us, and all of the pain can come crashing down at once... What can do person do then? Who can they rely on? Only themselves. In this life, we can genuinely only rely on ourselves. We don't know what people will choose to do eventually or when life will throw another curveball... We only have ourselves to carry... Today I want to help you support yourself with calming affirmations.

Some people are lucky... Their lives go easy on them and other people handle things for them... Some people are not... Some of us have to do everything ourselves while dealing with problems and also having to bear the pain of the people we love betraying us...

Both kinds of people will have times in their days and lives where they worry, feel stressed, and can't seem to have a moment of peace. No one else is going to help you then, at least not every time, and it is best to know how to take care of yourself. So, one thing that can help each of us balance the state of our minds and calm ourselves as much as possible are these calming affirmations that will help you take a moment to breathe, take a different perspective, and hopefully feel a little better.

Even if nothing seems okay, we can at least have a peaceful inner world. And, often a lot of our worry is often imaginary. These affirmations will help you in different situations of your life, in times of severe pain and in times of the worry rampage. I hope they will, depending on the situation, help, comfort, and humble you.

Calming Affirmations

  1. The answers to my questions are with me and in stillness, I will find them.
  2. I choose to view life as an experience, from moment to moment and I am a being observing it.
  3. I choose to be patient with my life knowing that everything will happen just as it will with or without me worrying.
  4. I am gentle with myself.
  5. I choose to believe in letting things flow naturally, and not forcing them to bend my way.
  6. I can always make myself calmer by breathing deeply.
  7. I choose to be present in my present moment.
  8. Everything will eventually work out like it always has.
  9. I inhale calmness and exhale heaviness.
  10. I am learning to approach life with calmness.
  11. I am learning to interact calmly with people.
  12. I choose to keep a calm mind even in tough situations.
  13. A calm mind is the best problem solver.
  14. I am willing to connect with the peace within myself.
  15. I am grounded, centered, and serene.
  16. I am good at finding calm in the chaos.
  17. I radiate peaceful energy.
  18. I trust in the process of life and relax in its flow.
  19. I choose to trust my journey of life.
  20. I focus less on taking and more on giving.
  21. I am connecting more and more with nature.
  22. I accept that I have no control over outside events and only on my choices.
  23. I encourage myself to think light thoughts.
  24. I am capable of thinking calmly and positively.
  25. What people do is not up to me, only what I do is.
  26. I am aware of what I put into my body and mind.
  27. I am devoted to understanding what helps me feel and stay calm.
  28. Everything in life happens as it does.
  29. I can only do what I can do. I do my best and that is enough.
  30. I am choosing to let go of the past. What happened happened.
  31. I embrace and accept myself as I am.
  32. I bring uplifting and calming things into my life consciously.
  33. I am connected with the sensations in my body and know when to calm myself.
  34. I am capable of being calm in every situation, enough to center myself.
  35. My breath is my anchor.
  36. I allow myself to be still and present.
  37. I allow myself to do things peacefully.
  38. I allow myself to go at a human pace.
  39. I allow myself to be gentle.
  40. I allow myself to take things slowly.
  41. I am at peace with what is, what was, and what will be.
  42. I allow myself to relax and let life happen.
  43. It is okay not to rush things.
  44. I observe my emotions but don't let them overtake my calm mind.
  45. Life is what it is.
  46. I choose to make my mind a safe haven for me.
  47. I choose to become the most reliable person in my life.
  48. The Earth and I are one, not against each other.
  49. I am worthy of living peacefully.
  50. I believe in myself, in my strength, and in my life.

Inner Peace Affirmations

  1. A peaceful state of mind lets me enjoy and cherish each moment of life as it comes.
  2. I feel peaceful in the simple joys of life.
  3. I let go of the urge to fight what I can't change.
  4. No matter what happens, I choose to live my life peacefully, I deserve it.
  5. Even if I lose my sense of peace momentarily, I can always come back to it.
  6. I am good at bringing myself back to the present moment.
  7. Much in life is not up to me, but who I am is.
  8. I am a peaceful being.
  9. I am grateful for the life I am blessed with.
  10. I choose to focus on the good and available.
  11. I can change the state of my life through my perception of it.
  12. I am grateful for all the people who have helped me along the way, people I know and don't.
  13. I am capable of freeing myself from the grasp of distractions.
  14. I am capable of focusing on what matters in my life.
  15. I free myself from clutter and make space for meaningful things.
  16. My real life is waiting for me beyond the hold of worry and wanting more.
  17. I need very little to be content with my life.
  18. I know that accumulating things is not the way to a meaningful life.
  19. My life wants me to do my best and so I will.
  20. I am free from the weight of the past and worry about the future.
  21. I choose to trust in my life and the path it leads me on.
  22. I find peace in doing my best with the choices I'm given.
  23. My presence is calm and soothing.
  24. I am at peace with the pace of my life.
  25. I swim in the river of my life.
  26. My calmness helps me make decisions with clarity.
  27. I feel more peaceful with every breath I take.
  28. I am a calm person.
  29. As I am at peace with life, being calm becomes easier for me.
  30. I am letting go of the urge to do something all the time.
  31. I choose to value every moment of my life.
  32. I embrace life for all that it is.
  33. I let go of the impulse to control my life or other people.
  34. My life believes in me.
  35. My heart is calm, and my mind is clear.
  36. My soul is peaceful, grateful, and filled with love.
  37. I am nurturing my inner peace every day, with each breath I take.
  38. My peacefulness helps others feel peaceful too.
  39. I am making my life serene with my inner peace.
  40. I choose to live in a state of inner peace.
  41. I am in tune with the rhythm of life.
  42. My peacefulness makes me a better company for myself and everyone.
  43. I am letting go of fear and trusting life.
  44. I am a peaceful and loving being.
  45. I choose to deal with situations peacefully.
  46. I am a vessel of peace and love.
  47. I am in harmony with the universe.
  48. I choose to make space for quiet and stillness.
  49. The simpler I make my life, the more peaceful I feel.
  50. I am at peace with the unknown.
  51. I embrace a life of peace and serenity.
  52. My inner peace is my greatest gift to myself.
  53. I embrace peace as my natural state of being.
  54. I trust in the peacefulness of my being.
  55. My inner peace is my anchor in life.
  56. I always come back to my peaceful state of being.

And, that's it! I hope you found these affirmations helpful. If there's someone in your life who might need a bit of calm, do share these with them. I wish you a peaceful life! Take care!

Continue Reading: 100+ Mindfulness Affirmations to Cherish the Present Moment

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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