100+ Compassion Affirmations to Be Kind to Yourself
It is okay to let yourself love yourself.

Welcome to our post on compassion affirmations! Often in our lives we can be unfairly harsh on ourselves over little mistakes, false urgencies, our bodies, taking time, feeling how we feel, and so many other things. But, what good does that do to us? Has it ever really helped? Why is it so easy for us to be kind to others but not to ourselves?
Today, let's try to change that. Love, care, attention, understanding, and compassion have such a wonderful, enriching impact on people. I am sure you are someone who has freely given all you could give to other people, and sometimes more than they deserved, but you found yourself lacking when you had to be kind to your own self.
But, you deserve you own love, your own kindness, your own forgiveness. You are the only person who'll always be with you. Isn't it incredibly important for that person to be an encouraging, loving company? Today, with these positive affirmations for compassion, I hope that it'll become easier for you to tell yourself what you need to break away from that unnecessary harsh self-talk and develop a loving way to speak to yourself. Here you go:
Compassion Affirmations
- I choose to be gentle with myself.
- When I am feeling low, I allow myself to take it slow.
- I choose to be kind to myself.
- I am enough, just as I am, in this moment.
- I am kind to myself through all of life’s ups and downs.
- I know that it is okay to make mistakes sometimes.
- I am only a human being.
- Being harsh on myself will not help me grow.
- I choose to cherish being alive.
- I will not take myself for granted.
- I choose to stay away from self-loathing.
- I choose compassion for myself and others.
- I choose to live with love.
- Compassion is my anchor.
- I am learning to love and accept myself fully.
- My happiness is important to me.
- I allow myself to take the time I need.
- I allow myself to take life slowly.
- I allow myself to live each moment.
- I deserve to fulfill my needs.
- I allow myself to put my well-being first.
- I prioritize my safety over being nice.
- It is okay to love myself.
- I am not dependent on other people to validate my worth.
- I am the only one who will be with me every second of my life, so I've got to be a good company.
- I choose to cherish and appreciate my body.
- I choose to talk to myself kindly.
- Being compassionate with myself helps me heal.
- I choose compassion instead of criticism.
- I choose understanding instead of judgment.
- I choose forgiveness instead of regrets.
- I choose growth instead of self-loathing.
- I accept myself fully, just as I am.
- I give myself permission to start over without judgment.
- I am kind to my body, nurturing it with rest, love, and care.
- I am worthy of unconditional love, beginning with myself.
- I treat myself with the same respect and care I give to those I love.
- I release the need to be perfect and embrace myself as I am.
- I allow myself to accept that perfection is unnatural.
- It is okay to take breaks.
- Not every day is the same.
- I allow myself to feel without judgment.
- I know that healing takes time.
- I am compassionate to my inner child.
- I listen to my inner voice with love and respond with kindness.
- I allow myself to make mistakes.
- I am worthy of taking the time I need.
- I am letting go of past regrets.
- I am embracing the present moment with gratitude.
- I refuse the pressure of being perfect.
- I allow myself to rest without guilt.
- I am good at encouraging myself.
- My self-worth is based on who I am not what I have.
- I am doing the best that I can, and that is enough.
- I give myself permission to observe and feel my emotions fully.
- In the midst of difficult times, I am gentle with myself.
- I am comfortable with letting people know my boundaries.
- I put feeling safe before being nice.
- I don't have to answer just because they ask me to.
- I make choices that I want to make, not ones I am forced to.
- I am above people's comments, judgements, expectations, and coercion.
- I have the power to use my voice to protect myself.
- I give myself the time I need to learn and grow.
- I do not allow other people to disrespect my boundaries.
- Loving and respecting myself makes me feel more confident.
- I am focused more on learning than blaming myself.
- I am above the foolish act of comparison.
- I listen and provide for my body's needs.
- I am on the journey of life, not a competition.
- I give myself permission to be imperfect and human.
- I allow myself to make mistakes and grow from them with grace.
- I am compassionate with my past self and the choices I’ve made.
- It is okay to not know all the answers.
- It is okay to accept that I don't know everything.
- I free myself from the expectation of always being right.
- I understand myself with an open heart and mind.
- I free myself from the limitations I let others put on me.
- I am free from the need of others' approval.
- It is okay to make the decisions I feel are right even if people don't approve of them.
- My life is my own to live and honor.
- I am responsible for my happiness and well-being.
- I choose to enjoy my life wholeheartedly and unapologetically.
- I trust myself to make it through anything.
- I know that I can rely on myself.
- I know how to take care of myself and I do it well.
- I am confident, independent, and capable to live well.
- Instead of feeling ashamed over my past self, I accept that it was was it was, and now I know how to make better choices.
- I know that it's futile to be hard on myself.
- I prioritise caring for my needs and living a good life.
- I give myself permission to let go of what no longer serves me.
- I am gentle with myself during times of change and uncertainty.
- I honor my journey and trust that I am exactly where I need to be.
- I release the need for perfection and embrace my authentic self.
- I choose to approach myself with patience and love, especially on difficult days.
- I honor my efforts and celebrate my small victories.
- I forgive myself for past mistakes and move forward with a heart full of love.
- I listen to my inner voice with love and respond with kindness.
- I choose to be a friend to myself.
- I let go of harsh self-talk and replace it with words of love.
- I am learning to show myself compassion in moments of doubt.
- I am worthy of the love and kindness I so freely give to others.
- I forgive myself for being human and release any guilt I may carry.
- I am worthy of rest, relaxation, and moments of peace.
- I deserve to take up space and be seen for who I truly am.
- I accept that setbacks are a natural part of growth and learning.
And, that's it! I hope you found these affirmations helpful. I wish you well on your journey of being more compassionate with yourself. So share it a friend who might need it. Take care!
Continue Reading: 100+ Acceptance Affirmations For Living With Ease