Destinee's Story - Heaven on Earth!🥹💓
"Let me be a testimony"

Gratitude has now become my attitude. It took some very dark, depressing, and defeated days to realize this. Growing up as the oldest, as we know, can be very tough. There are a lot of expectations put on you, and you’re basically the mold for the younger siblings to follow. On top of that, being in a single-parent household and having dark skin in public school—oh boy, can you imagine the hell.
Every aspect and version of myself growing up came from others' points of view on who they “thought” I was or needed to be. Being the people pleaser I was, of course, I agreed and followed along, knowing that it was going against who I really was.
Later on, I started at Morris College, and that was when I started to get to know myself and truly understand who I am without the opinions of others. It was a lot of unlearning those versions of myself that didn’t resonate with who I really was. Two years later, I had a baby girl. I tried so hard to finish, but I had every excuse in the world, and I wasn’t trying hard enough, now that I look back on it. So that led me back into a constant battle with depression for years. Four years later, my baby boy came along, and that’s when I realized something had to change! I unlearned everything all over again!!!
My solitude led me to a deeper relationship with God and the Universe! Gratitude was the key the whole time. My life was never bad. Yes, situations were rough, but they all taught me valuable lessons! THE GRATITUDE APP has been a huge help to me! I downloaded it back in 2019 and didn’t start taking it seriously until 2020 because life was getting dark again! I refused to go back into that hole of depression! NOW, in 2024, I am at peace with everything! I love my life, and I attract abundance. It’s so mind-blowing how working on yourself changes your whole life! Feeding your soul with positive affirmations and loving yourself can make you feel like you’re living in heaven right here on earth!
THE GRATITUDE APP also helps me with my business, Butterfly Blossom Cosmetics LLC. I apply the same affirmations to my business, and it is flourishing so well! I have no more fears! Thank you, GRATITUDE APP! It’s VERY LIFE-CHANGING. I RECOMMEND THIS APP TO THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!🌎 It’s all in your head—change your views on life, and life will change. Let me be a testimony!!!! 💕💕🌱