Gem's Story - The Grace of Gratitude

"I didn't think it would make that big of a difference..."

Image with illustration of a cat

Hi, readers. Gem here. I'm a bit on the younger side here, but I believe that is the base of my story.

I was in my junior year of high school when I found the concept of gratitude journaling. Having seen countless videos about it, I knew what it was... but I just did not have the courage to pursue it, because I didn't think it would make that big of a difference.

In the first week of January 2023, I came across a bunch of recommendations, journal prompts, websites... and then finally, Gratitude App. I immediately liked the idea of it, and in the comments, I read the most positive reviews I'd ever read. I remember reading with my eyes wide- I couldn't believe it! It is today that I realize that we have gotten so used to negativity and criticism that we have forgotten what genuine positivity feels like.

Which is why this app was just perfect, I downloaded it that second. 
I came across the New Year challenge, I took it. It started out slow, but it was perfect for beginners. It made me slow down, look around, and truly appreciate life.

Not just the app in general but deciding to journal out of gratitude made me so grounded. I'm about to finish my high school. These two years have been so insanely comforting, I have gone through enough trials and tribulations to know that life is unpredictable, and even unfair at times.

But it is staying grounded, aware, and grateful that helps us see the true meaning of it all. It helps us navigate through tougher times and rougher roads. The best thing about gratitude is that it has the ability to make any situation seem so small. Because when we compare it to the abundance that we have, truly, it seems like our problems are more manageable.

Gratitude has helped me with anxiety, stress, and even productivity. Unbelievable, I know. But it's true. It has done so much for me and made me realize so much about what truly matters... I have become incredibly peaceful and abundant and am confident to pursue what I want. Because I do have plenty of miracles to celebrate already, why not add one more?

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