Margaret's Story - Right Now is Perfect

Here is an inspirational story of gratitude from Margaret.

Illustration of a orange and red sparkling stone

I started using the Gratitude app on the 1st of June 2021, exactly nine days ago. I had been toying with the notion of journaling because I felt heavy.

Initially, I was looking basically for a journal app, just where I could write random thoughts away from the notes application. The first recommendation on App Store was this application, I decided to give it a try.

Before my introduction to this application, my life just felt overwhelmingly bleak just a cycle of non-production. My past couple of days with the gratitude challenge and the affirmations have been eye-opening.

This application literally moves you to be self-aware, in your present state and your past one. You’re given new sight. You see things as they are and not what they seem.

With gratitude everything is ten times lighter, appreciation makes you realize a lot of truths hidden by ungratefulness and desires to zoom through life. I never wanted to “start” practicing gratitude, it’s not even something I thought about.

However my journey thus far has made me feel like the person I am, I am conscious of myself and my environment.

Of the people around me and I’ve been able to express myself consistently therefore not building up feelings… getting my thoughts and emotions out the moment they want to get out.

I can reflect and remember things that I previously could not recall to mind because one of my coping mechanisms was to forget experiences I considered unpleasant, instead, I’m now dealing with them when I put them out in the journal, I can come back when I’m not emotional and identify the problem, the trigger and learn.

In all this process the app reminds me to be grateful and not ashamed of who I am in that moment. There’s no other way it should be because then it wouldn’t be my moment.

The moment is perfect, I am perfect. Right now is perfect because I show gratitude.

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