Shashi's Story - This is the way
![Signs showing direction](
I have always been a cheerful person. Someone who lives in the present not dwelling much on future problems or the past. And, that’s why journaling was never a part of my life.
![A photo of Shashi Kumar](
3 years back I was introduced to the concept of gratitude by Pritesh, maker of the Gratitude app.
He had developed an app to appreciate the things or people around him and asked me to develop the iOS version of the app.
I read The Secret book for the first time to understand the importance of being grateful, to understand the power of nature and the law of abundance.
One thing that struck me from that book is that somewhere in my life I have unknowingly been following the law of abundance and affirmations but I never acknowledged it.
While developing the app I started writing the things I was grateful for. Journaling was not easy for me at first. I started expressing my gratitude in raw sentences with a photo only but I was consistent with that process.
It made me realize the things I had never been grateful for in my life. The app gave me a platform to express my thoughts in a more personal way.
I read a few more books on gratitude like The Little Big Things or Tuesdays with Morrie and found that the term gratitude or the expression of being thankful for the little or big things or to my life started making sense to me.
I have been writing my grateful thoughts regularly in the app and share them with my friends and family. Sometimes I take a break to look back at my journal in the app to see what event took place in my life on a certain day.
The Gratitude app has provided me with a platform to work on the core principles of my life. It has made me calm and happy.
Moreover, it has given me an opportunity to build something magical for the benefit of others. I am and will always be grateful for this.