100+ Mindfulness Affirmations to Cherish the Present Moment
We are alive only in this moment.

Mindfulness is the state of being fully present and aware of where we are and what we're doing without judgment and questions. It is a quiet and relaxing state to be in. There can be many ways of practicing mindfulness and one of them is mindfulness affirmations.
Mindfulness, to me, is the gateway to peace. Think about it, more often than not, we don't feel peaceful because we're obsessing over the future, or something we want or don't have yet, or being frustrated over something we can do nothing about. We suffer so much in our minds and in our imaginations. So much of what affects us is self-inflicted. All these thoughts and made-up situations pound nails in our heads. On the other side, we also suffer because of other people's choices that we cannot change, no matter how much we try. Everyone decides for themselves and even if we know they are being cruel, only they can change themselves.
To me, mindfulness is realizing that we have control only over own selves and the only life we are living is right here. We are alive right now but we so easily forget to pay attention or value the present because we're stuck in the past or worried about what might happen in the future, something we have no control over. We can only do what we can do in this moment that we are in.
But I understand. I am not saying that I never revisit the past or envision the future. We all do, and from time to time, it can be helpful. But we must make space for the present. We must give it the importance that it so deserves. We must prioritize it because it is what is most real, it is where we are. We have to accept that so much of what happens is not up to us. Mindfulness is awareness and acceptance.
Let us live. Let us breathe. Let us cherish every new day of life. Let us really experience what is right there in front of us, within us. Let us be mindful. Let us be present.
With that, here are mindfulness affirmations that will help you embrace and appreciate the present moment and lift a lot of that load that we unnecessarily place upon ourselves:
Mindfulness Affirmations
- My breath is my life.
- I am only alive in this moment.
- I close my eyes and feel my breath.
- I allow myself to connect with the present moment.
- This moment is my life.
- My breath is my lifeline.
- With each breath, I am inhaling calmness.
- With each breath, I am exhaling worry.
- I allow this moment to be what it is.
- I root myself in this moment.
- I bring myself to the present moment again and again.
- I am connecting with how my body feels right now.
- I am becoming aware of all the sensations in my body.
- I am patient as I step more and more into mindfulness.
- I am relaxing my body with each breath.
- I embrace this moment with awareness and gratitude.
- I am breathing deeply, feeling my lungs expand and oxygen reaching all parts of my body.
- Each deep breath is nourishing all the cells in my body.
- I am getting in touch with my emotions and the sensations they bring.
- I am getting in tune with my mind, body, and spirit.
- I embrace the present moment with open arms.
- I choose to see things as they are.
- I choose to focus on my breath and let go of distractions.
- I allow my mind to have space to breathe.
- I cannot control other people's choices.
- In this moment, I accept myself as I am right now.
- I choose to be present in my present.
- The present moment is a gift and I appreciate it with my attention.
- I choose to observe my thoughts without judgment.
- Breathing consciously is important to me.
- My breath is my savior.
- I anchor myself to my breath.
- I am choosing to live in the present moment.
- I am choosing to appreciate this moment that I am blessed with.
- I observe my surroundings and bring myself to the real moment.
- I believe in being patient with myself.
- I choose to trust myself.
- I choose to trust that I have infinite strength within myself.
- I put my hand on my heart, take a deep breath, and bring myself to the present.
- I release the need to feel in control of everything.
- I let life happen the way it will.
- I accept that a lot of things in life are out of my hands.
- I choose to focus on what I can do.
- I am mindful of my choices and how they impact others.
- I am connected with how I feel.
- My breath is how I become closer to myself.
- I am letting go of the urge to control what I can't.
- I embrace the truth that other people's choices are out of my control.
- I have power over my choices and I make the best of them.
- I realize that only I make my choices, no one can force me.
- How I live my life is up to me.
- I often take time to observe the present moment as it is.
- I am blessed to see another day of life, to have another chance.
- A peaceful mind is my greatest strength.
- I am reducing distractions and nurturing mindfulness.
- Only I can do what is possible for me.
- I am mindful of how I live my life.
- I am mindful of what I give time to.
- I am mindful of the information I take in.
- I am mindful of where I put my energy and attention.
- I am mindful of the people I allow in my space.
- I am mindful of the words I speak.
- I am mindful of how I express my emotions.
- I accept what is and do what I can.
- I accept that my life story, pace, and timing are unique to me, and so is everyone else's.
- It is up to me how I handle my emotions.
- It is up to me how I respond to what is happening.
- I step over and rise above the imaginary barriers in my mind.
- I can design the kind of life I want to live by my choices.
- Everything outside of me is out of my control.
- I am grateful for the power and capability to make my own choices.
- I am letting go of the tendency to imagine the future and worry about those imaginations.
- I am letting go of the tendency to revisit the past and beat myself up or someone else over it.
- I choose to learn the lessons life is teaching my every day.
- I accept that fighting the truth only harms my peace.
- I observe my fears but don't hand them the remote control.
- I live my life one day at a time.
- I let go of the urge to chase the next thing and appreciate what I already have.
- I realize that a lot of what I want is not what I really need.
- Not knowing what the future holds is okay. No one does. No one can.
- I let go of the pressure to have everything figured out.
- I recognize the difference between limited needs and unending wants.
- I make myself aware of the ways I limit the peace in my life because of outside expectations.
- I see myself and my emotions as they are.
- I choose to understand myself instead of fighting myself.
- I am learning to accept myself and my life story.
- I accept the fact that everyone does what they think is right.
- I am in harmony with my life and Mother Earth.
- I focus my attention on my blessings and my choices.
- I embrace the present moment as it is.
- I choose to be patient with myself and my life.
- I choose to be compassionate with myself.
- I release the urge to judge myself and others quickly.
- Being mindful helps me become a simpler human being.
- Being mindful helps me appreciate life.
- Being mindful opens up my eyes to the peace within myself.
- Being mindful gives me the power to live my life with tranquility.
- Being mindful helps me balance my emotions.
- Being mindful helps me focus on what I can do.
- Being mindful lets me live the life that I actually have.
- Being in the present moment makes me feel alive.
- My present is the only moment that really matters.
- I am choosing to live in the moment I am.
- I am here, not in the past, not in my imagination, I am right here.
- My breath is a blessing.
- I cherish each breath that I am blessed to breathe.
- I cherish the moment that I am living right now.
And, that's it! I hope you found a sense of peace as you read these affirmations. I sure did as I sat and came up with each one of these. I am feeling so much better than I was before writing these mindfulness affirmations. What a blessing! If you have a friend who might also need a sense of peace and mindfulness in their lives, do send it to them. I wish you well!
Continue Reading: 100+ Peace Affirmations for Healing & Serenity