Nina's Story - Gratitude in the storm
"The last nine months have been the toughest ever."

The last nine months have been the toughest ever. I’ve had to adjust to living without my husband and being a single parent to our three young children, all while balancing a busy career and a broken heart. I discovered the Gratitude app in 2022, amid a significant personal storm. I felt misunderstood by my parents and spouse, was pregnant with our third child, and was struggling with my career after making a lateral move.
I began journaling regularly, trying to appreciate the good in every day and finding value beneath the surface of my ordinary days. Gradually, I started to see how gracious life and God were to me, and the cloud began to lift. During this time, I was also struggling to accept my eldest child’s diagnosis of a learning difficulty.
Little did I know then that this was just the tip of the iceberg.
In 2023, my husband fell ill, and by October, his family took him away from me. They took away his phone and made sure I could not communicate with him. My mother-in-law, who had previously been an ally, became an enemy. Malice and lies were spread throughout the family, suggesting that I had done something to make my husband sick.
Living in an African country where belief in witchcraft is prevalent did not help. Law enforcement and social welfare also proved unhelpful. My husband stopped supporting us, my brother-in-law took away our family car, and a joint account I shared with my husband was blocked, preventing me from accessing our savings. Financial abuse became the norm, and intimidation and intrusion into our home became routine.
I considered moving out of the country (as I am originally from elsewhere), but the harsh economic conditions and the possibility of not finding a job kept me grounded. So, I stayed. Meanwhile, I sought counseling and continued working. I tried to maintain a positive outlook, but my health suffered. I lost weight and the sparkle in my eyes dimmed. Yet, I needed to hold on—for myself and for my children.
I immersed myself in work and kept up with my gratitude journal. I recorded everything, including the painful parts. I struggled with the betrayal I felt from my husband, but through constant prayer, I found peace. I let go of my painful imaginings and focused on the good. While I still feel the pain tugging at my heartstrings, I pray for peace and to forget the bad things. Despite everything, my children haven’t been expelled from school, we haven’t been kicked out of our apartment, we have food, and we have one another. We will rebuild, and with God’s help, we will achieve success. Asante.