100+ Patience Affirmations to Trust the Process

All good things come to those who wait.

Image with illustration of a baby elephant

Welcome to our post on patience affirmations! With short attention spans and the need for quick gratification, patience seems something of a lost art. However, the journey of living is as it has always been. No matter how much technology advances, we will live and learn just as the people without mobile phones used to.

Getting success quickly, overcoming pain prematurely, and getting what we want before it's time, all of these desires lead to a lot of unrest and dissatisfaction with our lives. When I am becoming impatient, I try to humble myself by asking, "Why do you expect life to go according to your wishes?" It's such a big expectation, isn't it? How can we think that what we want will happen at the exact time and in the exact way we imagine it to be? If it does, it is nothing short of a miracle! But often, it won't. What happens in our lives is mostly out of our control. We experience and feel what comes to us.

Patience allows us to embrace the journey, appreciate the present moment, and trust in the natural flow of life. It makes us humble and more in tune with living. I hope that what you really wish for comes true, but you might have to wait for it. Often we look back on our lives and feel that even if we couldn't see it then, things happened when they should have. So, let's believe in the timing of our lives because that's a kind of wisdom that we don't possess. May everything reach us when it should so that we can live in grace and bliss.

With that, here are patience affirmations to help you trust the process of life and cherish the moments that you are blessed with:

Patience Affirmations

  1. I have a lot of patience.
  2. I am a patient person.
  3. It is okay to wait.
  4. There is no hurry.
  5. All in good time.
  6. Everything will happen in its own time.
  7. Being fully here in this moment is enough.
  8. Everything will get figured out with time.
  9. There is no need to rush.
  10. All will be well.
  11. Nature does not hurry, yet everything works perfectly.
  12. Nothing will happen before it's time.
  13. I choose to trust my life and her timing.
  14. I believe that things will be better one day.
  15. I am relaxed knowing that all will happen when it should.
  16. I have faith in the pace of life.
  17. The more patient I am, the lighter I feel.
  18. Being patient helps me enjoy the life I have right in front of me.
  19. I trust the timing of my life.
  20. Patience is my natural state of being.
  21. I am a patient and understanding person.
  22. Patience brings me peace.
  23. I am patient and allow life to flow naturally.
  24. I am letting go of the urge to control how my life unfolds because I can't.
  25. I believe in my strength.
  26. One day at a time.
  27. Everything will be okay one day. I can wait.
  28. All will be okay soon.
  29. What I need will enter my life just when it should.
  30. If it didn't happen, it was either not the right time or right for me.
  31. It will happen when it should.
  32. I let go of the need to control.
  33. I am an observer of my life.
  34. I choose to be happy with what I've got.
  35. I have dreams but I'm patient.
  36. I do what I can and leave the rest to destiny.
  37. I believe in being patient.
  38. I am patient and trust that everything will happen in its own time.
  39. I choose to be compassionate with myself.
  40. I no longer make my life difficult.
  41. I am always here for myself.
  42. This life is so much more than expectations and accomplishments.
  43. It will all be as it will be.
  44. I believe in my capability to wait.
  45. Good things come to those who wait.
  46. I am learning to be patient every day.
  47. There's no need to hurry. Everything will work out with time.
  48. I am okay with the pace of my life.
  49. I am happy with what I have right now.
  50. I know that good things take time to grow. I am in no hurry.
  51. Anything that lasts doesn't happen suddenly.
  52. I choose to enjoy the journey.
  53. I release the need to rush and embrace patience.
  54. I am calm.
  55. I am patient and open to the lessons life brings me.
  56. I give myself the space to learn and evolve.
  57. I trust that the best is yet to come.
  58. I embrace the journey of life with open arms.
  59. I choose to accept that everything has its season.
  60. I choose to appreciate the journey.
  61. I let go of the need for immediate results.
  62. I find peace in waiting.
  63. I trust that everything will fall into place eventually.
  64. As I become more patient, I find serenity in the present moment.
  65. I am patient and appreciate the beauty of the process.
  66. I am willing to do what it takes. I have the patience for it.
  67. Life is a journey and I am a being on this journey.
  68. Life is a journey that I am choosing to enjoy.
  69. The timing of many things in my life is out of my control.
  70. Everything will not happen to my wishes, and that's okay. That's life.
  71. I trust in the wisdom of the universe.
  72. I trust in my life.
  73. I am embracing each moment with gratitude.
  74. Before I ask for more, I choose to cherish what I already have.
  75. I can wait with calm and patience.
  76. I trust what is meant for me will find me at the right time.
  77. I allow myself to let go of the illusion of control.
  78. I believe in the power and wisdom of time.
  79. I will not give up.
  80. I am resilient. I will keep trying.
  81. One day, this will all be worth it.
  82. One day, I will thank myself for not giving up.
  83. I allow myself to enjoy the present.
  84. One day, I will look back and be proud of myself.
  85. I am blessed to live the life I have right now.
  86. I see no need to hurry. Everything will come to me when it should.
  87. I know that my hard work is sowing seeds that will someday grow into majestic trees.
  88. Slowly but surely, I will get there.
  89. I believe in myself completely.
  90. I am flowing with the river of life blissfully. There is no hurry.
  91. There is grace in waiting.
  92. What is waiting for me is worth the wait.
  93. I know that when the time will finally come, I will cherish it with my whole heart.
  94. If it hasn't happened yet, I am not ready for it.
  95. This time of waiting is making me the person I have to be to deserve what I want.
  96. Slow and steady wins the race.
  97. I know that everything will align perfectly with time.
  98. My patience is my strength.
  99. I am letting go of the shackles of false urgency.
  100. I am patient and resilient.
  101. I am allowing myself to learn from my life's experiences.

And, that's it! I hope you found these affirmations helpful. I really enjoyed writing them all. It is such a blessing to do work that helps people and myself at the same time. If there's someone in your life who might find this helpful, do share it with them! I wish you the best. Take care!

Continue Reading: 100+ Calming Affirmations for Inner Peace and Tranquility

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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