11 Earnest Thank You Notes for Friends

Heartfelt letters for cherished friends.

Image with card reading, "Thank you for being my friend!"

Oh, what a wonderful topic to write about: thank you notes for friends! I really revere friendship and feel overflowing gratitude for the existence and experience of it. A form of love that is simple, spirited, supportive, and soothing all at once. Friends are there with us through storms and rainbows, through the ebbs and flows of life, standing at the shore waving.

Being blessed with true friendship is one of the most peaceful gifts of life. To have someone that you can trust, laugh with, and talk to while both of you discover more and more about yourselves and your lives. Friendship gives you freedom and also reassurance. Good friends are the most comforting company. There is a sense of security that no matter what comes and goes, this friendship right here will be there for you.

So today, let's appreciate these friends. Each friend has a distinct place and role in our lives. I can think of my friends individually and immediately get a feeling that characterizes my relationship and memories with them. I hope that you can find a glimpse of your friendship in my letters and share them with your friends. I hope you are always blessed with friendship. Here are the thank you notes:

Thank You Notes for Friends

1. Your longest friend

Dear (name),

I wanted to take this moment to earnestly express how important you are to me. We have been friends for so many years and I have watched you grow into such a marvelous person that I am so proud of. Thank you for being with me all this time. It really is a legacy. Knowing that you are my friend has comforted me through some of the toughest times of my life. You have been there for me through all my highs and lows and I am deeply deeply grateful. I love you so much!

2. Your funniest friend

Dear (name),

Thank you for being the funniest person I have ever met. What you do is more than jokes and giggles, you are a soul-saver! Countless times you have made my spirit soar and my eyes open up to the brightness in the world. I have the most wonderful time talking to you. I am so so grateful for each time you've made me laugh. You are one of the most wonderful people I've met. I am immensely thankful for your friendship. I hope your heart always stays as young and lively as it is. Lots of love!

3. Your understanding friend

Dear (name),

Thank you for being the person who, without fail, understands me completely. So many times I have feel misunderstood or judged by other people, but when I talk to you, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I feel so much lighter. You have the biggest heart and you never step away from helping others. I truly admire you and want to be the person who understands you too. I will do my best to be as good a friend as you are. Thank you for everything!

4. Your inspiring friend

Dear (name),

I wanted to take this moment to say how proud I am to be your friend. You are the most admirable person I have met in my life and I genuinely look up to you. You have a heart of gold and a faultless character. You work so hard to help others and do good as much as you can. Your words lift my spirits and the way you live is so inspiring to me. I truly am your fan. I have learned to be a better person from the choices I've seen you make. Thank you for keeping me your friend, it really is a privilege. Soar high, soldier!

5. Your soothing friend

Dear (name),

Today I want to thank you for the comforting presence you have in my life. You know it can get tumultuous out there and in my brain too, and somehow you know exactly how to give me the space where I can relax. I don't know if you even try to do it but your company is so soothing. There is an incredible calmness in the way you think, speak, and live. I hope to learn a lot from you so I can become calmer and offer you some peace too, apart from the fireworks of my life haha! I am really grateful to be your friend and love you immensely!

6. Your good listener friend

Dear (name),

Thank you to my friend with elephant ears. You are the most empathetic listener I have had the fortune of meeting and befriending! What a privilege to be around someone who does their best to understand and comfort you. Even if you don't say anything, your nods and expressions give me everything I need when I am letting my thoughts out. I really want to do the same for you and I am going to make a real effort for it. Thank you for being such a good friend to me. You are the light of my life!

7. The friend you hang out with

Dear (name),

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for being the friend I can hang out with so frequently. I DO NOT take that for granted. If you weren't here, things surely wouldn't be so jolly and fun, but because you chose to give your time and company to me, I have the best time all the time! I am really really lucky and so grateful for all the evenings we walk together, all the times we roam the city, all the food we eat, and the chats we have. Your friendship is the essence of my life. Thank you so much!

8. The friend who lives far

Dear (name),

It's been so long since I've met you and the chores of daily life have kept us from conversing often too, but I wanted to let you know that you really are one of the greatest friends I have had the fortune of meeting and cherishing. Time and distance have no consequence over the strength and joy of our friendship and I feel so grateful for the knowledge that whenever we finally meet, things will be exactly the same as when we last met. You are my confidant and I value you so much. Thank you for all the love!

9. Your supportive friend

Dear (name),

I want to thank you today from all of my heart for being the most supportive person in my life. You genuinely have given me strength and been that deep breath of calming relief in my most troubling times. I honestly wouldn't have made it through things so courageously without your company. I am blessed beyond words to be the friend of such a kind, compassionate, and genuinely good person. Thank you for saving me with your words, love, and smile so many times.

10. Your twin soul friend

Dear (name),

How is my twin soul doing? Yes, that's what you are! I am so lucky to have found a person I can connect with so deeply. I see so much of myself in you and our conversations, the way we see the world, the way we think, it all aligns and fulfills me so much. How on earth did we find each other, but then again as twin souls, we had to, no? I love you so so much and I feel grateful every day to be your friend and enjoy life with you. Here's to years and years of this magical friendship!

11. Your friend in family

Dear (name),

I want to take this moment to make you feel special and aware of how much I appreciate having you in my life. We're not only tied by blood but united by friendship. It is a real gift to have someone who understands all the twists and joys of our family. I love being with you and chatting away from daylight to midnight. I am so blessed that I was born to know you forever and we became each other's solace and support. Love you so so much! I am here for you always.

And, with that, this is the end of this very enjoyable-to-write post. I hope you found things that you'd like to share with your cherished friends. Lots of love and blessings! Take care!

Continue Reading: 50+ Heartfelt Thank You for Being a Friend Messages

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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