Tobias' Story - The butterfly story

"Even during periods of change, gratitude has been my anchor."

Image with illustration of three butterflies

I had a complex and difficult past filled with negativity, challenges, and chaos—problems at school and problems at home. I missed over 300 days of school and often found myself being aggressive and rude to others, which only led to receiving the same behavior in return.

I lived in a state of chaos, conflict, and fear, constantly expecting the worst and often lacking the energy or belief to take action.

Gratitude helped me gain clarity, confidence, and trust in myself, others, and a higher power. Through practicing gratitude, I now see those past hardships as hidden blessings. I follow my heart, do what I love, and love what I do. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without those challenges and the transformative power of gratitude.

Let life's challenges shape you, but never let them define who you are or who you will become. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, I transformed from a rude and negative person expecting the worst, into someone filled with optimism, trust, hope, forgiveness, strength, wisdom, and confidence.

Gratitude shifted my focus to solutions rather than problems. It helped me move from chaos to clarity, and now, I wish everyone I meet a great day. A simple smile to a stranger can start a ripple effect of happiness. I also share wisdom, motivation, and encouragement wherever I go.

Even during periods of change, gratitude has been my anchor. Instead of focusing on endings, I now focus on new beginnings and opportunities. If one door closes, another—better one—opens. Life is like an evolving TV: just because the old colorless one breaks doesn’t mean it’s the end; it’s an opportunity to explore something better, with more features and color.

Change can be hard because as humans, we tend to get attached to things, people, and outcomes. But gratitude, empowerment, and positive self-talk help me trust that everything is happening for my highest good. I no longer feel the need to control outcomes or the decisions of my loved ones. Instead, I aim to be a guiding light of hope and inspiration.

Challenges are impermanent, but the strength, clarity, and success we gain from them can be permanent. Just like learning to walk as children, we may fall many times, but with persistence and gratitude, we get back up. Even if we fall again, gratitude helps us recognize that these challenges are not meant to harm us but to test us, shape us, and make us stronger, wiser, and better.

God may not prevent every fall, but He ensures that we have everything we need to heal, recover, and learn from it. With gratitude and positive self-talk, challenges lose their power. Gratitude is like a magnet that attracts good, protects your mind from chaos, and guides your thoughts and actions toward constructive solutions.

Now, even when unexpected setbacks happen, I find humor and gratitude in the situation. If I bump my knee, I laugh and say, "Thank you that I didn’t break it."

Gratitude, combined with affirmations and positive self-talk, shifts the focus from suffering to healing, from problems to solutions. Even during major life changes, gratitude has been my constant companion.

Currently, I am going through a big transformation. I’ve quit playing video games and decided to spend less time on screens, focusing instead on nature, creativity, and personal growth. For a long time, video games were my world, but now I understand that moving on opens up even greater possibilities for happiness and fulfillment.

Sometimes, the simplest things—like sitting on the beach singing with friends—bring the most joy. I am grateful for these experiences, knowing that not everyone has access to the same opportunities.

To me, happiness begins with a smile. As a child, I would get upset if I couldn’t have what I wanted. Now, I find joy in the little things. This shift in perspective has made a huge difference in my life.

I know my story may lack perfect structure, but I’ve chosen to be authentic. Authenticity, to me, is more powerful than perfection.

Along my journey, I’ve been inspired by many things—like da Vinci’s inventions—and now I’m working on building something myself. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll create a "vision phone" that helps people stay focused on their goals with rotating inspirational quotes, much like this app has done for me.

I believe that when humans collaborate, we can achieve even greater things. We may not always agree on everything, but by working together with gratitude, we can make a positive impact.

We can be strong, independent, and powerful, yet still collaborate with an open heart.

Thank you.

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