How to Make a Vision Board That Really Works

Here are all the tips and inspiration you need to create your very own vision board today that actually works!

A woman moving forward with her vision board behind her

"Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it."
- Jack Canfield

Vision boards are all the rage these days, and rightfully so. Not only are they effective but also super fun to create.

So many people have benefited from putting down their dreams and goals in the form of vivid photos on their vision board and using the law of attraction to achieve them. Let's learn how to create your vision board today.

As you're here, you'll love our course on making your most effective vision board.

A physical vision board (Pinterest)

What is a vision board?

In Jack Canfield's words, "A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams.

The inspirational collages serve as your image of the future – a tangible example, idea, or representation of where you are going."

Here are some solid tips from YouTuber and talk show host Lilly Singh on creating a vision board,

"My first vision board had things like Twitter verification, hitting 1 million YouTube subscribers, and moving to LA. Since then, my vision boards have evolved to having things like working with The Rock, hitting the Forbes list, going on a world tour, and being on some of the biggest talk shows. Sometimes my accomplishments even surpass what my visions were."

How to Make a Vision Board That Really Works

Lilly has a stellar track record having achieved all of the goals that she put on her vision board. Here's what we have learned from her:

1. Have a good mindset

This step is the most important one of all. You can collect the most descriptive images but if you don't believe that you can achieve those goals, it'll all be for nothing.

She says, "I have never made a vision board while being in a bad mood, so if you're feeling discouraged or negative or upset, I don't suggest making a vision board right now. You need to have that mindset, you know, where you believe anything is possible.
Every single image you put on this board is going to come true in your life. If you believe that sentence, You have the right mindset."

Tip: A lot of people use positive affirmations, inspiring quotes and phrases, in their vision board to manifest more effectively and keep the right mindset.

2. Make a list of goals before attaching images

"A lot of people don't do this step. They usually just dive in and start choosing pictures. I don't like to do that because I think we'll just get distracted by pretty pictures that don't actually align with our goals.

There are no rules here, just go for it. There's no big. There's no small. Your list could look something like,

- new house
- promotion
- travel
- eating right
- reading more"

Make sure to invest some time in figuring out your goals because only then will you create a vision board that manifests what you actually want.

With the Gratitude app, you can create sections in your vision board for organizing your goals in the most productive way.

Also, you should add affirmations to your vision board so that they can always inspire you and bring you back to why you started:

3. Be selective

  1. Find images that immensely inspire you
    "Images that inspire you, the unique you. For example, if your goal is a new house, don't just find a new house that you think is pretty.

    Find the house for you that has that yard that your dog can run in, that has that meditation room that you've always wanted. This isn't just anybody's house. This is your future house."
  2. Be specific about goals
    "One of the biggest mistakes that people make when making vision boards is being too vague. For example, money is not a good goal. It's not specific.

    How would you know if you made enough money to have accomplished your goal of money? Money isn't good. $100,000 is good. Travel is not a good goal but India, China, Jamaica, those are specific goals."
  3. Don't use generic images
    If your goal is to drop a music album, don't use a microphone's photo, but edit your name onto a screenshot of the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

    If you want to win an award, edit your name on a photo of the award. Make the image as close as possible to what you really want to achieve.
  4. Choose a time frame
    You will create many vision boards throughout your life. it's best to start with your vision for one year's time frame.

4. Work towards your goals

"I think the universe does respect the law of attraction, but I also think it respects the law of hustle a lot more."

Also, make sure to view your vision board daily. You can set a daily reminder in the app and come back every day to play your vision board.

If you put such great effort into creating it, dedicate at least 5 minutes every day to your board and really believe and act as if your dreams are coming true. Create that feeling in your heart looking at your board and trust that you are achieving all your goals.

And remember that the vision board is a tool. It will only work if you work. The vision board is your guide, it gives you direction, but you can't expect it to bear fruit without relentless efforts from your end.

"The thing always happens that you really believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright

So, here were the top tips on creating a vision board. do you feel inspired to create yours now?

Head over to the Visbo app to easily make yours with multiple sections, photos, captions, and play it with music too!

Wishing you the very best on your journey!

Read More: How to Manifest What You Really Want in Life

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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