Karen's Story - Reflection Time
"Believe it or not but Gratitude is a law of the universe."

Where do I start? The difference between my life pre and post gratitude is like night and day.
Many areas of my life were not working, I made many poor decisions and focused on the negative, lack of and controlled by emotions, stress, and non-purpose...
I found the courage to break away from a toxic relationship after 12 years and suddenly I had time, choice, and a whole lot of space to explore healing. I always found the message for a “re-tune” helpful.
I suddenly became more aware and found comfort in browsing health shops and the book section in particular. The first book I ever read was by Deepak Chopra “The Seven Laws of Success”. This book had a profound effect on me.
Believe it or not but Gratitude is a law of the universe. The next book that changed my life was Susan Jeffers's “Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway” where I really started practicing this gratitude stuff!
Then I was thirsty for more as amazing things started happening (not that I was really aware of what was actually going on) I still had this huge healing and path of self-discovery to do.
Along this incredible journey, I started applying the gratitude practice more and more. Another great book hit the shelves “The Secret”.
Oh my, what I managed to do, see and be over three years is what some only daydream about. I have a journal for every year as that is the key.
Writing it down, practicing your affirmations, and having a vision board where you can see your dreams and goals every day.
I decided I was going to give up the corporate job, stress, and grey sky. Sell what I didn’t need and go travel the world but I need to work and travel.
Using what I had learned through daily practice, I took action and was committed to achieving my dream. After one year of many rejection letters and applications, I finally landed a job on a cruise liner.
I finally did it! I saw 101 countries in 18 months, made friends for life and experienced cultures, food and did a whole lot of healing. Then I thought I had to test the stuff out! I did it again as my goal was to travel for 2 years.
At the 18th month point, I thought I would try this intention stuff again. I not only landed up working on luxury yachts, but I also landed on the biggest most talked about private yacht that is owned by a Russian billionaire!
At this point, I had five heavy journals full of pictures, stories, journaling and how grateful I felt, and how my life had changed into the most abundant life you can imagine.
As we set out on a journey, you also need to plan breaks, time to smell the coffee, and the reality of changing a flat tire along your journey!! Ten journals down the line I started thinking about how awesome it would be if there was one place one could store all this great stuff?
The Gratitude app appeared - I can’t remember how or where but this is the dawn and dusk practice of my daily life. I love the reminders to keep you on track and the Pro version is so worth it.
Finally, the use of the app has helped me through my darkest days and I am so grateful. This week I lost my last living blood family relative and I feel grateful. You may be thinking hang on, that’s weird.
Well yes, but let me explain how this has impacted my mindset and positive attitude. 17 months ago my only brother took his own life at the tender age of 40. Three months later, my mother passed away after fighting lung disease for 5 years.
I cared for her in the last year of her life and she lived with us. When I finished the last sentence with us, I meant to say that I attracted the most mind-blowing precious special partner into my life just over three years ago.
Why I said I was grateful about my uncle's passing is that as he was my mother's brother and he unfortunately really struggled with feeling positive, future thinking, and gratitude.
He struggled daily to come to terms with their loss and I feel he is happier now as he is reunited with the rest of the family. (All 3 of his ex-wives, both my grandparents on both sides, my Mom & Dad and brother, etc.) and all the pets.
I’m 44 and now for the first time have myself all to myself and l am so happy and grateful to have this opportunity and abundance all around me.
The birds are singing and I’m looking forward to another great day. Now it is time to update my vision board with more pictures on the app. Until next time.