100 Self-Concept Affirmations for High Confidence

Have high confidence and self-esteem with the power of self-concept affirmations!

Image with illustration of a floating astronaut

Self-concept means (as defined in Lexico) - "An idea of the self, constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others."

How we think about ourselves matters. How we talk to ourselves matters. It has a strong implication on our confidence and self-relationship.

So, today I bring to you 100 self-concept affirmations to help you build high confidence in yourself.

In this post, you will find:

  1. Self-concept affirmations
  2. Self-esteem affirmations
  3. Self-worth affirmations

Self-Concept Affirmations

  1. My mind is a friend to my body.
  2. I let go of negative self-talk.
  3. I love the body I was born with.
  4. I am a special person.
  5. I have a loving relationship with my body.
  6. I embrace every bit of my body.
  7. I love myself unconditionally.
  8. I have the power to create the life I want.
  9. I can overcome any obstacle.
  10. I am worthy of true love.
  11. I feel happy.
  12. I feel peaceful.
  13. I treat my body with care and love.
  14. I treat myself with kindness.
  15. I am strong and healthy.
  16. I deserve happiness.
  17. I am compassionate with others and myself.
  18. I feel joyful as I look at my journey.
  19. I choose to think positively about myself.
  20. I nourish my body every day.
  21. I am beautiful, intelligent, fun, and full of life.
  22. I am kind to myself in every moment.
  23. I am surrounded by grace and positivity.
  24. I am strong, beautiful, and confident.
  25. I am my best source of motivation.
  26. I wake in the morning, loving myself.
  27. I am human.
  28. I am enough.
  29. I am perfect just the way I am.
  30. I am full of vitality.
  31. I accept all of me with love.
  32. I nourish my body, mind, and soul.
  33. I respect myself and others appreciate me.
  34. I let my light shine bright.
  35. My body deserves love.

Self-Esteem Affirmations

  1. I am beautifully unique.
  2. I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time.
  3. My self-worth is solid and unquestionable.
  4. I allow myself to love who I am as I am.
  5. The love I give myself is reflected in all areas of my life.
  6. I am whole and complete.
  7. I welcome good feelings.
  8. I release feelings of guilt and negativity.
  9. I rest when my body and mind tell me to.
  10. I give praise to myself and to others naturally and effortlessly.
  11. I am worthy just as I am.
  12. I accept my body the way it is today.
  13. I allow everything to be as it is.
  14. I say goodbye to self-pity.
  15. There is nothing I need to do or be to earn love or respect.
  16. My body is beautiful exactly the way it is.
  17. My body tells me what it needs and I listen.
  18. I allow myself to heal.
  19. I embrace positive thoughts.
  20. The more I let go, there better I feel.
  21. I choose to stop obsessing about my body.
  22. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
  23. My power is on the inside.
  24. My life is a blessing.
  25. I am grateful for this mind, this body, this soul.
  26. Nothing is more potent than my belief in me.
  27. I respect my limitations and am grateful for the capabilities I have.
  28. I treat myself with respect and honor.
  29. There is more to life than worrying about how I look.
  30. I am creative, strong, powerful, brave, and inspired.
  31. I view myself through kind eyes.
  32. The only approval I need is my own.
  33. I deserve to feel good in my skin.
  34. I am deeply grateful for my body, my health, and my unique talents.
  35. Each day, I am more and more aware of my innate beauty, creativity, and abundance.

Self-Worth Affirmations

  1. I have much self-worth and inner beauty.
  2. I love my body and everything it can do.
  3. Weight is just a number.
  4. I am gentle with myself, like a friend.
  5. I look exactly the way I'm supposed to.
  6. I radiate self-confidence.
  7. How I think about myself is most important.
  8. I love who I am inside and out.
  9. I strive to get better, not perfect.
  10. I am at peace with my appearance.
  11. I naturally feel good about myself.
  12. My body is a gift.
  13. I do not expect myself to be perfect.
  14. My body is my friend.
  15. I let go of what I cannot change.
  16. My body does amazing things.
  17. I am in charge of my life.
  18. My confidence in myself grows more and more every day.
  19. My confidence is constantly increasing.
  20. I’m a magnet for success.
  21. I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
  22. I’m proud of myself and my achievements.
  23. I wake up each morning feeling confident and empowered.
  24. Confidence is my birthright.
  25. I’m successful in everything I do.
  26. I attract success by being my authentic self.
  27. Every day in every way I’m becoming more confident.
  28. All of my thoughts, plans, and ideas lead me straight to success.
  29. I live each day feeling confident and grateful.
  30. I love seeing my confidence grow every single day.

💡 Continue Reading: 7 Ways to Be a Good Friend to Yourself From Today

Image with list of self-concept affirmations
Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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