100 Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Creativity and Sensuality

Connect with your creativity, intuition, emotions, and sensuality with sacral chakra affirmations.

Illustration with symbol of sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)
Source - Wikipedia

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in the body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each relate to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

There are 7 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). Today we will focus on Sacral Chakra (also called Svadhishthana) Affirmations.

The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button and is connected to our creative and sexual energy. It is also linked to our connection with our intuition, emotions, and the emotions of the people around us.

💗 Connecting to our emotions and intuition is a part of self-love. If you'd like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Image showing the seven chakras in the human body
Sacral Chakras in the human body (Source - Healthline)

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  1. Creative energy flows through me freely.
  2. I nurture myself emotionally and take full responsibility for my own happiness.
  3. My relationships are based on mutual respect and appreciation.
  4. I trust my loved ones, and they can trust me.
  5. Inspiration is always flowing to me, and I act on the great ideas I receive.
  6. It’s safe to get close to other people.
  7. I use social media as a tool to be uplifted and share positivity with others.
  8. I invite joy into my life.
  9. My parents are spiritual teachers who offer my soul a chance for growth.
  10. I allow others to be who they are.
  11. I’m healing old wounds from past relationships. I release trauma and keep the blessings.
  12. When I wake up I feel energized and eager to begin my day.
  13. Change is perfectly safe.
  14. I share the love with others and embrace intimacy.
  15. I give myself permission to release drama.
  16. I attract people who treat me with respect.
  17. I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life.
  18. My emotions are free-flowing and balanced.
  19. I am a creative being.
  20. It is my birthright to receive pleasure.
  21. I honor the sacred body in which my soul resides.
  22. I welcome sensuality into my life.
  23. My intuitive senses are awakened.
  24. I embrace my vibrant sexuality.
  25. Creating art nourishes my soul and brings me joy.
  26. I am a lovable and desirable being.
  27. I am comfortable in my body and I treat it with care.
  28. I allow my creativity to flow through me freely.
  29. I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
  30. I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me.

💗 Embracing yourself is part of self-love. If you'd like to get deeper into this, here is my FREE 21-day self-love course for you.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Creativity & Sensuality

  1. I choose to feel joy and excitement often.
  2. I am spontaneous and I allow my intuition to guide me.
  3. I breathe in powerful golden light.
  4. I feel powerful in embracing my sexuality.
  5. My sexuality is sacred.
  6. My life gets better every day, as I learn to claim my inner peace.
  7. I take pride in being a good friend.
  8. The people in my life bring out the best in me, and I bring out the best in them.
  9. I accept help when I need it.
  10. I am fully engaged in my own life and create experiences that reflect my best self.
  11. My life is interesting, enriching, and fulfilling.
  12. I am living a pleasurable life.
  13. I am grateful for the joy of being me.
  14. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression.
  15. I celebrate my sexuality.
  16. I am honoring my body and treating myself respectfully.
  17. I am feeling complete peace from within
  18. It is my birthright to receive pleasure and have all my needs met.
  19. I am radiant, beautiful, creative, and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.
  20. I attract like-minded people who support and love me for who I am.
  21. I am open to the flow of creativity.
  22. I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
  23. I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
  24. I am pure, positive energy.
  25. My emotions flow freely in a balanced and healthy way.
  26. I allow the flow of positive energy to effortlessly move through me.
  27. I am creative.
  28. I am at home in my body.
  29. My emotions are guides.
  30. My emotions are my teachers.
  31. My creativity is endless.
  32. My creativity is fluid.
  33. I am safe to express myself.
  34. It is safe to explore my sexuality.
  35. I deserve to be joyful.
  36. I live a creative, vibrant, passionate life.
  37. I am vibrating pure joy, abundance, and prosperity.
  38. Endless prosperity flows to and through me.
  39. I am cultivating a beautiful life free of stress, worries, or fear.
  40. I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss.

💡 Related: 100 Root Chakra Affirmations To Ground Yourself

Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Emotions

  1. Unconditional joy is my birthright.
  2. I make space in my life for play.
  3. Play is a priority, not an option.
  4. It is right for me to choose joy, fun, and play in my daily life.
  5. I find new ways to express my creativity.
  6. I am connected to an endless source of innovation, inspiration, and creativity.
  7. I radiate passion and prosperity.
  8. I embrace life with vigor and passion.
  9. Limitless joy is my birthright.
  10. I deeply respect and honor my sacred body.
  11. My body is a work of art.
  12. My body is a masterpiece.
  13. I honor my own divine sensuality.
  14. I am a sensual and passionate being.
  15. I embrace intimacy with others.
  16. I honor my desires.
  17. I honor my sensuality.
  18. I honor my ability to express myself.
  19. My sexual energy is a blessing.
  20. I can only control my actions and that is enough.
  21. I am independent.
  22. I listen to my sacred body and give it what it needs.
  23. I am comfortable moving my body in ways that feel good to me.
  24. I am worthy of being desired.
  25. I am worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others.
  26. I am open, honest, forgiving, and compassionate.
  27. I am flexible, adaptable, and open to change.
  28. I know my self-worth, and I will not settle for less than I deserve.
  29. All that I am is in perfect harmony.
  30. I am a divine sexual being.

💡 Continue Reading: The Way to True Self-Acceptance

Image with list of sacral chakra affirmations

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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