What Are You Grateful For? 105 Things to Be Thankful For In Life

Here's a list of 40 things to be grateful for today.

A man and a woman planting in their garden

There are so many things around us and in our lives that we overlook, so many blessings that we forget to acknowledge. Gratitude is everywhere. We are all so blessed in little and big ways. All we are required to do is focus.

To find things to be grateful for in every moment, I recommend trying out a technique that I call 'Atomic Gratitude'.

In this technique, we pick up one small aspect of our lives, and it can be anything, for example; your bedroom, your partner, nature, your pet, your job, yourself, your friend, your kitchen, anything.

And, now you focus on this part of your life and see the little atomic parts of it that you can be thankful for.

Let's take the example of a bedroom that I also mention in my Attitude of Gratitude course and find the things that we can be grateful for in it.

Now, there might not be anything extraordinary in your bedroom that you see and sleep in every night. But, imagine if it wasn’t there, and think of each individual atom that makes it home for you.

Let's make a gratitude list with the things we can be thankful for in a bedroom:

  1. Think of the walls that give you a space just for you.
  2. Think of the windows that let soothing wind and sunlight in.
  3. The curtains create soft light in the room, ensure privacy, and gently sway with the air.
  4. The floor that you stand upon and how reliable it is.
  5. The closet lets you keep your clothes and make more space in your room.
  6. The lightbulb illuminates in the dark.
  7. The buttons make it so easy to control the environment of the room.
  8. The bed is always available for you to rest on.
  9. The comfortable mattress supports your sleep and physical health.
  10. The cool and relaxing feeling of clean bedsheets.
  11. The support of pillows.
  12. The bedside table that keeps all the things you want near.
  13. The door that connects you to the rest of your house and also allows you to choose when you want to be with yourself only.
  14. The sense of assurance that the lock on that door gives you.
  15. The photographs on the walls relive golden memories.

There is such an incredible possibility in your bedroom alone. We just listed 15 things we can be grateful for in your bedroom alone and there's a lot more in it.

Imagine, if we searched for all the tiniest things and moments to feel grateful for, we'd never run out of ideas.

Before asking for more, let's appreciate all that we have, and let's focus on the tiny bits that make up and support the life we live.

What are you grateful for?

Alright then, let's dive into more ideas for things that you can be grateful for in your life here:

Things to Be Grateful For

What are you grateful for?

Here are some of the things you can be thankful for:

"I am thankful for..."

  1. Your morning coffee/tea
  2. A healthy breakfast
  3. That movie that always makes you laugh
  4. When your hands are full and someone opens the door for you
  5. Your good health
  6. Your close friends
  7. Holidays
  8. Cute animal videos
  9. Warm sunshine on winter days/cool wind on hot summer days
  10. The senses that make you experience the world
  11. Funny people, always a blessing!
  12. A secret joke between you and your friend
  13. The moment when your food comes at a restaurant
  14. When your favorite song comes on the radio right at the perfect time
  15. Tears to express your deepest emotions
  16. A friend’s face after you surprised them
  17. Oxygen for life
  18. Transportation
  19. Comfortable clothes
  20. Technology
  21. Your ability to help
  22. Kind strangers
  23. A warm, cozy blanket on chilly nights
  24. A great meal with your loved ones
  25. Old photos
  26. Flowers
  27. Excitement for adventures
  28. A relaxing bath
  29. Winning at a game
  30. Sacrificing for love
  31. Your favorite school teacher
  32. Handwritten letters
  33. A relaxed weekend
  34. Fresh morning air
  35. Deep conversations
  36. Feeling understood
  37. Stories that fascinate you
  38. Free learning resources
  39. Experience of life
  40. Yourself

😇 Tip: To really level up your gratitude practice, I recommend that you maintain a gratitude journal. It'll really shift your perspective by making small steps every day.

Gratitude list of unique things to be thankful for

"I am thankful for..."

  1. Google search engine
  2. Food delivery partners
  3. Sour candies
  4. Flip-flops
  5. Healthy nails
  6. Hair blowing in the wind
  7. Teeth
  8. Handmade jewelry
  9. Sweet new people
  10. Comfortable jeans
  11. Flexible body
  12. Typing speed
  13. Spellchecker
  14. Smooth keyboard
  15. Shiny tables
  16. Funny videos
  17. Soothing voices
  18. Discovering new songs you like
  19. Cracking the mystery before anyone else
  20. Automatic save functionality in software
  21. GPS system
  22. Good recommendations
  23. The excitement of an upcoming wedding
  24. Shared nostalgia
  25. Farmers
  26. Lip balm
  27. Shampoo
  28. Perfume
  29. The moment you wake up in the morning and know you have more time to sleep
  30. Respect
  31. Compliments
  32. Hot/cool showers
  33. New recipes
  34. A great dinner
  35. Power naps
  36. Fresh fruits and veggies
  37. Clean sheets
  38. Being around someone you like
  39. Resolution of conflict
  40. Moments of happiness
  41. Having money
  42. Giving gifts
  43. Being understood by a friend
  44. Awareness of being in the present moment
  45. Realization of how far you've come
  46. Snow
  47. Rainbows
  48. A good workout
  49. Feeling healthy
  50. Good health of the people you love

So, what do you say? We have so many things to feel grateful for. Go ahead and write in your gratitude journal! 💖

Here's to gratitude for the little things!

Continue Reading: 40 Ways to Show Your Partner You Love and Appreciate Them

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.


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