Inspirational Stories 2 min read Natalie's Story - My Journey to Freedom I felt that the Universe was unfair to me for a big part of my life. From the time I lost both my parents due to illness, to when I had to live in foster care during my teenage years, to being sexually assaulted at 17 and then, later on,
Inspirational Stories 2 min read Celia's Story - Grieving with Gratitude In 2012, my husband Jerry was diagnosed with cancer. I retired from teaching to care for him and struggled with depression and the fear of a future without him. One day while I was shopping, I saw a book, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, and felt compelled to pick it
Inspirational Stories 2 min read Mitch's Story - I am Grateful My name is Mitch. I live in the United States, in a town named Las Vegas, in the state of Nevada. Welcome, everyone, to 2021; the Year of Love and Kindness. My journey through recovery from Addiction has Gratefulness as one of its core principles. My life before I woke
Inspirational Stories 3 min read Jason's Story - Face Down I started using the Gratitude app on July 10th, 2020. I am a psychotherapist and I finally told myself that I need to follow through on one of these exercises if I am going to keep asking my clients to do them as homework. Later that night I was in
Inspirational Stories 3 min read Keerti's Story - Tangible Happiness Have you been able to touch happiness, I mean really touch it instead of just feeling it? I have been doing it daily since earlier this year. Let me backtrack. I was at a crossroads, both professionally and personally in February 2016. I didn’t know what to do with
Inspirational Stories 3 min read Asli's Story - Gratitude is the Best Perspective in Life 2020 seems to be now classified as the 'year from hell' by popular culture. However, for me, it was one of the best years of my life. A year when I changed my perspective on life (almost) completely, went through rapid personal and spiritual transformation and grew more
Inspirational Stories 3 min read Laura's Story - The Power of Gratitude I have always had a life full of abundance, health, and love. But, I never knew it. I mean, I knew I lived in prosperity, I wanted for nothing, I was in excellent health and I had a family that loved me and whom I loved. But I thought that
Inspirational Stories 2 min read Piotr's Story - A helping hand My name is Peter. I'm 37 years old. Two kids. Divorced. I'm from Poland. My story with the Gratitude app begun about 2 years ago when I had been struggling with divorcing process. I was so depressed and felt like I was at the bottom of
Inspirational Stories 2 min read Derith's Story - My Morning Glory I began using the Gratitude app back in November 2020, shortly after completing a group coaching program on recharging energy and learning healthy habits. Gratitude, feeling grateful, and recognizing simple ways we can do that daily, was omnipresent in that group coaching program and it inspired me to dig a
Inspirational Stories 5 min read Mega's Story - The Glow Of Gratitude "I can say without a doubt that my life has forever changed not only for the better for myself, but for others. I am always inspired every day by things small and large that bring me happiness and gratitude. "
Inspirational Stories 2 min read Judith's Story - How Practicing Gratitude Daily Made Me Happier I started practicing Gratitude daily after reading "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne. At the time, I had just started to learn more and more about 'The Law of Attraction' and that gave me the courage to quit a job that didn’t fulfill me anymore to
Inspirational Stories 4 min read Wendy's Story - The Joy Of Being Alive A few years before beginning the Gratitude App, I realized my health was so poor that I was scared I would die before I turned 60. A series of bad choices over many consecutive years had led to this predicament. I had no idea how to take care of myself,