20 Printable Gratitude Journal Templates For You
Practice gratitude with fun and creative templates!

What is one thing that unites all of us?
Our want for lifelong happiness.
I often think about wanting happiness as similar to wanting to be a good person. I think both of these are similar because they’re desired to happen without realizing that the seeds are to be sown at this very moment.
Being a good person is not a dream but conscious decisions that we make every step of the way. And, happiness is not about pursuits but the design of our lives.
So, how do we design our life to feel lifelong happiness?
Some of the ways are,
- Embracing all emotions, not just happiness
- Simplifying our lives by focusing on what’s important
- Giving time and energy to meaningful work
- Building healthy relationships, with others and oneself
- Developing a gratitude mindset
I suppose I can spend time and think of more, but this post is going to focus on the last point - developing a gratitude mindset.
Gratitude has been scientifically proven to help us:
- Feel more positive emotions
- Build healthier relationships
- Feel happier
- Increase in self-esteem
- Increase optimism
- Reduces depressive symptoms
- Improves sleep
Now, let’s dive into the recommended way of developing a gratitude mindset - gratitude journaling.
Gratitude Journal
There is evidence that gratitude journaling helps decrease depressive symptoms, improves sleep, and increases emotional balance when done consistently.
This is key. To truly experience the benefits of gratitude journaling, we must keep doing it.
It’s such a simple exercise and so transformative.
Here are some gratitude journal prompts that you can use to begin journaling.
And, if you’re serious, I recommend trying out our Gratitude app which is specially designed to help you build the habit of gratitude journaling.
- Write about a time when you laughed uncontrollably.
- Appreciate a friend who lives far away but is dear to you.
- Write about a special gift that someone gave to you.
- Write about a movie that touched your heart.
- Write about someone that you really admire.
- Express how you feel when you take a refreshing walk in nature.
- Write about one thing that you like about yourself.
- Write about a small privilege that you enjoy but might not have appreciated.
- Write about something that you enjoy doing in your free time.
- Write about an enjoyable part of your childhood.
- Which aspect of your health do you feel grateful for in this moment?
- Write about someone you enjoy spending time with.
- What excites you about this month?
- Who is the most reliable person in your life?
- Write about something wonderful that happened recently.
Gratitude Journal Templates
These gratitude journal templates with help you practice gratitude in a fun and creative way.
Start off with the one that catches your interest the most. Don't worry about picking the perfect template.
We are building a life of gratitude, each template serves a purpose and can be used anytime.
1. 21-day Gratitude Challenge
This is our very own gratitude challenge. You can find all of the details here.
This challenge is,
- focused on gratitude journaling
- 21 prompts for 21 days
- gives examples
- perfect for beginners
2. Weekly Gratitude Sheet
This is a great weekly template.
- Practice at the end of the day
- Answer the same question - "What is something good that happened today?"
3. Gratitude Notes
This template can be used anytime. You can use it daily or weekly too. There are no set rules.
- Plenty of things to feel grateful for
- List things you're grateful for
- Also accounts for lessons during challenges
- Counts people to thank
- Self-love is also incorporated
- Most suited for people who've been practicing gratitude for sometime
4. Morning Gratitude
This template has,
- 10 things to feel grateful for in the morning
- 3 things you're learning from challenges
- People you're grateful for
- Best parts of your day
Although this is a single template, you can divide your time in filling it because of the breadth of topics covered.
This can be a single heavy exercise or one that is split into a week.
5. Monthly Positivity
This is a simple and flexible gratitude journal template.
- Designed for monthly, weekly, or daily use.
- Has space to add notes to self
- Cute design
- Dedicated space for calendar
6. Gratitude List
This template has,
- List of 5 things you are grateful for
- 3 things you're learning from challenges
- What's going well in your life currently
- Also has space to log your mood
- Makes you set an intention for your day by choosing what will make you smile today
7. Daily Gratitude
This template is unique because,
- It focuses on activities rather than things
- Allows you to set priorities for the day
- Has space for affirmations
8. Gratitude Example
This is quite a simple and easy template as,
- Has a simple prefix - "I am grateful for..."
- Gives you ideas for what you can write
This is quite great for beginners. It also has a lot of flexibility.
9. Prompts Template
This template has two parts:
- The first is where your write what you are grateful for and why
- Tons of examples
Having ideas for what to be grateful for helps tremendously, especially when you're starting out.
10. Weekly Challenge
This template gives you,
- One weekly challenge like calling up an old friend
- List of what you're grateful for
- Affirmations
- Reflective questions to help shift your mindset towards making the best out of what you have
11. My Daily Gratitude
Like the other gratitude journal templates, this one has a list of things to write and affirmations.
The unique thing about this is that it also asks you to write a quote that is resonating with you.
12. My Daily Gratitude Journal
This one is quite an extensive template. It will require more time to fill but the questions are great so it will be something cherishable.
This is more suited for weekly use.
14. Simple Gratitude Journal
This is quite a simple and easy template.
It covers a lot of areas about what you can feel grateful for like things, people, lessons, yourself, and the present day.
15. 3 Good things
This is a template that won't take much of your time.
It focuses on three main things:
- Today's affirmation
- 3 things you're grateful for today
- 3 good things that happened today
It is great for daily use!
16. Today I'm grateful for...
This is the kind of template that you'll have to carry with you throughout the day.
As it prompts you to list 30 things you're grateful for in a day, it will make you look for the smallest things that are going well and supporting you.
I think this is a great challenge and will train you to open up your mind to gratitude!
17. Today's Gratitude Journal
This template has the following features:
- Focus on both gratitude and affirmations
- Makes you think of what can make today great
- Also helps you get into a grateful mindset for the coming day
18. Inspiring Gratitude Journal
The features of this gratitude journal template are:
- Generous area for writing
- Question about what made you laugh
- Feel gratitude for others
- Focus on what inspired you
19. Gratitude Journal for Kids
This is a group of templates helpful to get children started on maintaining a gratitude journal.
This is a simple but highly important activity. If a young person builds a mindset of gratitude, it will be a valuable asset for them throughout their life.
20. 23-page Gratitude Journal
This one is quite an extensive template with a whopping 23 pages.
It has deeper practices and worksheets to help you build the gratitude mindset
And, that's it!
I hope you really enjoy practicing gratitude with these gratitude journal templates.
I wish you the best! Remember that every practice needs time, consistency, and patience to build.
Trust yourself. You can do it!
Continue reading: 9 Simple Gratitude Exercises That Will Help Anyone Become More Grateful