5 Reasons to Create Your Vision Board
Vision boards are quite popular! And, here are 5 reasons why you should make one for yourself too. Here's the power of vision boards.

by Shealing Young (omhealing.life)
The idea behind vision boards is that you find visual representations of your goals, hopes, and dreams, and paste them onto a poster so you can see them each day.
By seeing these goals daily, you are stimulating your brain visually while also keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind, so you remain motivated during the day.
As you're here, you'll love our course on making your most effective vision board.
Here are some common-sense reasons why you should create a vision board.
5 Reasons to Create Your Vision Board
1. What works for one doesn’t work for all
As with any scenario, you’ll find multiple ways to do things and one way won’t work for everyone. Vision boards are nothing more than a visual way to set goals. So, whether you use a vision board or a basic list, choose the option that appeals to you the most and that you’ll actually use. Setting the goals is the most important thing, not the way in which it gets done.
2. What can it hurt?
In the end, you’ll have two possible conclusions: You set your goals and found a way to get motivated every day; or you had an enjoyable afternoon thinking about what you want out of life. Self-reflection never hurts anyone.
3. You are in control of your life instead of being a bystander
So many times, adults end up reacting to situations in their lives instead of paving their way through life on their own terms. Knowing what you want in life, down to where you want to live or the car you want to drive puts you in control.
When you’re in control, you can make better decisions that lead you to your dream goals.
4. Be a role model for your kids
A work-at-home friend said she makes a vision board every year and shares her goals with her children in hopes of inspiring them to work hard.
She tells her kids what her goals are and they are her cheerleaders when she crosses them off one by one.
5. Trust your gut
Gather your information and then make the decision that’s right for YOU. If you’re dying to make a vision board but your spouse laughs at the idea, make one anyway.
Or make a digital one that can only be seen on your computer. Don’t be swayed into making a decision that doesn’t feel right; follow your gut instinct.
In the end, you only have one life so live it to the fullest. If that means prioritizing your goals with a vision board, go for it! Live with no regrets and you might just surprise yourself with how much you accomplish from your vision board.
Power of a Vision Board
What makes a vision board powerful? It goes back to focus, what you focus on grows, what you focus on becomes real, what you focus on you attract.
So, this is where the vision board comes in. It helps you to keep your focus on the positive, keep your focus on the things that you want so that your mind stays in that space of possibility instead of blocks and negativity.
Thoughts Have Power
You have to be really mindful of where you keep your thoughts. It is beneficial to train your mind to think in ways that are in alignment with positive energy.
The vision board is a tool to help you keep your thoughts focused in a positive and moving forward space.
The other thing that makes the vision board powerful is the images, the images that you put on your vision board should stimulate visualization. Visualization is a very important tool in realizing your goals.
Top athletes use visualization as a tool all the time. They see themselves finishing the finish line, they see themselves doing that perfect backflip.
It's the same thing with you - see yourself completing that goal. See yourself in success. See yourself with your highest wishes fulfilled.
Emotions Drive Action
The other important thing about visualization is feeling into the end results. How does it feel once you have achieved that goal? How are you going to feel about yourself when the goal is completed? How will you behave when the dream is realized? Spend time in this space, the emotions that come up will create your spark for action.
We generally take action when we are pushed by our emotions. And so that's why the focus of a vision board is all about feeling.
Boosts Your Spirit
A vision board will boost your spirits when life gets challenging. We are all going to hit our struggles throughout the year.
Life is not smooth, it comes with bumps in the road and so when you have your bumps, you can go back to your vision board to remind you of what is important.
Remind you of what you are striving for so that you don't get lost in one moment - one event or one incident that didn’t turn out right. A vision board can help you step back and look at the bigger picture, so you don't get lost in the little things.
Really, the power of a vision board lies in its images and the images’ ability to spark visualization in you, images that make you feel.
Because when you can feel something strong emotionally, it drives you into action, the emotion makes you want to do something about it.
If you can visualize, if you can see yourself completing the goal, if you can see the end result, you bring that goal to you faster.