100+ Good Luck Wishes and Messages

Let's cheer people as they take on new challenges!

Image with illustration of a good luck card

When someone is going through a big change in their life or facing something nerve-wracking, receiving a good luck wish from a friend can make a world of difference. I remember how supported I felt when my friends and family members personally sent me messages or called me up to encourage me.

Receiving love and blessings from people you care about helps so much in feeling confident and ultimately doing well. In this post today, I want to help you with good luck wishes and messages for a variety of situations that a person experiences in their life when they would love to receive your support. You can customize these wishes if there's a particular occasion you need them for.

Here are the types of good luck wishes you'll find:

  • Short Good Luck Wishes
  • Good Luck Wishes for Job Interview
  • Good Luck Wishes for Exam
  • Good Luck Wishes for New Job
  • Good Luck Wishes for Moving to a New Place
  • Good Luck Wishes for Starting a Business
  • Good Luck Wishes for a Competition
  • Good Luck Wishes for Performance/Presentation
  • Good Luck Wishes for Starting College

Good Luck Wishes and Messages

  1. Wishing you all the luck and positivity in the world as you embark on this journey. Believe in yourself, and success will surely follow!
  2. May every step you take lead you closer to your dreams. You've got this! Good luck!
  3. Sending you loads of blessings and well wishes for everything that lies ahead. I'll be cheering you on as you make your dreams come true.
  4. In the grand adventure of life, may each challenge you face become a stepping stone to greater achievements. Here's to your success and happiness!
  5. May luck and opportunity pave your path as you set out on this journey. Embrace every moment and let your light shine bright! I believe in you!
  6. Wishing you boundless luck and endless joy!
  7. May your journey be filled with excitement, joy, and countless blessings. Keep your head high and your heart open—good things are coming your way!
  8. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Good luck!
  9. Remember, the universe has a way of aligning things in our favor when we least expect it. Trust in the process, and let your optimism guide you to victory!
  10. May the road rise up to meet you, and may the wind be always at your back. Here's to smooth sailing and abundant blessings on your journey ahead!
  11. Your hard work and determination have brought you this far, and I have no doubt that you'll go even further. Keep shining bright!

a. Short Good Luck Wishes

  1. Wishing you all the luck as you take on new challenges!
  2. You're amazing. Good luck with everything!
  3. Believe in yourself. Good luck on your journey!
  4. Wishing you the very best for all your ventures!
  5. Luck and success are on your side. Go for it!
  6. You are an inspiration and I believe in you completely. Wishing you the best ahead!
  7. You're capable and deserving of all the best things. Good luck!
  8. From this moment on, I hope your life only gets better. Best of luck!
  9. Wishing you bounties of luck and success!
  10. You've made it to this moment and I am sure it will only get better from now. Wishing you the best!

b. Good Luck Wishes for Job Interview

  1. You're a rockstar! Knock 'em dead in your interview and show them why you're the best candidate for the job.
  2. Good luck! Your dedication and passion for the role will surely make a lasting impression on them. You got this!
  3. I wish you the best of luck with your interview. You are capable of handling any question that comes your way. I am here for you! Let me know how it goes.
  4. You've got this! Stay focused, stay confident, and show them why you're the perfect candidate for the job. I believe in you.
  5. You've put in the hard work and preparation. Now it's time to shine! Good luck with your interview!
  6. Wishing you confidence, clarity, and success in your job interview. You've got what it takes!
  7. You've got everything you need to excel in this interview. Go knock their socks off!
  8. Best wishes for your job interview! Just be yourself and have trust in your capability.
  9. Sending you all the luck in the world for your interview. You can do it!
  10. Sending my best wishes your way for your job interview. Believe in yourself and shine!

c. Good Luck Wishes for Exam

  1. Wishing you the best of luck on your exam! You've put in the hard work, and I know you'll do great!
  2. Good luck with your exam! Remember to stay calm, focused, and confident—you've got this!
  3. Sending you all the luck and positive energy for your exam. Believe in yourself and trust in your abilities!
  4. I hope your exam goes smoothly and all the answers come to your mind instantly. Best of luck. I know you got this!
  5. Best of luck! Give your exam with confidence, and remember to take deep breaths when needed.
  6. All the best for your exam! I have complete faith in you. Trust yourself through this process. You can do it!
  7. You're intelligent, capable, and well-prepared. Go into your exam with confidence, and success will surely follow. Best of luck!
  8. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and give it your all. Wishing you the best of luck on your exam!
  9. You've worked hard to prepare for this moment. Trust in yourself and your abilities. Good luck with your exam—you've got this!
  10. Sending you my best wishes and support as you tackle your exam. Remember to read each question carefully and take your time. You can do it!

d. Good Luck Wishes for New Job

  1. Wishing you the best of luck as you start your new job. May it be the beginning of a rewarding and fulfilling journey!
  2. Congratulations and good luck with your new job! May it bring you fulfillment, growth, and success.
  3. Sending you my warmest wishes and support as you start your new job. You're going to make a fantastic addition to the team!
  4. You're stepping into a new adventure filled with endless possibilities. Embrace it with confidence and optimism. They're so lucky to have you!
  5. You're destined for success in your new job! Remember to stay true to yourself and never stop learning.
  6. You're going to do great things in your new job! Trust in your abilities and embrace every learning opportunity.
  7. Best of luck as you start your new job! Remember to stay confident and embrace every opportunity that comes your way.
  8. You've worked hard to get here, and now it's time to show them what you're made of. Good luck with your new job!
  9. Good luck with your new job! You're going to shine brighter than ever!
  10. Sending you my best wishes as you start this new chapter of your life. I hope this job gives you all that want and you feel fulfilled in your work.

e. Good Luck Wishes for Moving to a New Place

  1. Congratulations on your move! May your new home be a sanctuary where you find peace, happiness, and countless blessings.
  2. You're embarking on an exciting new adventure, and I couldn't be happier for you. Wishing you all the luck and happiness as you settle into your new home!
  3. You're about to create a new chapter in your life, filled with endless possibilities and adventures. Here's to a smooth transition and a bright future ahead!
  4. I am so excited for you! I hope this change brings happiness, peace, and a lot of good experiences with it. Congratulations!
  5. Sending you my best wishes and support as you navigate this exciting new journey. May your move be the beginning of a wonderful new chapter.
  6. Wishing you all the luck and happiness as you settle into your new home and make it your own.
  7. Good luck with the new place and enjoy every moment!
  8. Congratulations on your move! May your new home be a place of peace, comfort, and endless joy for you and your loved ones.
  9. I hope that you can embrace this change with open arms and trust that everything will fall into place. Good luck!
  10. Wishing you the best of luck as you make your new house a home! May it be a place where you create cherished memories and all your dreams come true.

f. Good Luck Wishes for Starting a Business

  1. Sending you my heartfelt wishes and support as you start your new business. May it be the beginning of an extraordinary journey filled with growth and success!
  2. Wishing you a grand opening and a prosperous journey ahead in your new business. May each day bring you closer to your goals and aspirations.
  3. Congratulations on starting your own business! May your passion, dedication, and hard work pave the way for a bright and successful future.
  4. Wishing you courage, determination, and unwavering resilience as you navigate the journey of an entrepreneur. You're destined for greatness—go seize it!
  5. May your new business venture be a example of innovation, creativity, and success. Wishing you all the luck and prosperity in the world!
  6. May your new business venture bring you prosperity, joy, and endless opportunities. Good luck!
  7. Sending you my warmest wishes and support as you start your own business. May it be the beginning of a rewarding and fulfilling journey!
  8. Best of luck as you embark on this exciting new chapter. May your business thrive and surpass all expectations!
  9. Sending my best wishes for your business! Trust in yourself, stay focused, and let your passion guide you. Good luck!
  10. Wishing you the best of luck as you embark on this exciting journey. May your business thrive and bring you endless success!

g. Good Luck Wishes for a Competition

  1. You've got what it takes to be a champion. Now you only have to go out there and prove it. Good luck and give it everything you've got!
  2. You're capable of amazing things—go out there and show them what you're made of! Victory shall be yours!
  3. I wish you the very very best for your upcoming competition. I have complete faith in you. You can do this!
  4. Sending you positive energy and unwavering support for your competition. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and success will surely follow.
  5. Sending you my best wishes and support today. Remember, it's not about winning or losing—it's about giving it your all and enjoying the journey.
  6. You're a force to be reckoned with, and I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. Good luck in the competition!
  7. Sending you truckloads of well wishes! Trust in yourself and your training. May the odds be ever in your favor!
  8. You're a true champion in every sense of the word. Go out there and make your mark on the competition. Good luck!
  9. You've got the talent, the passion, and the drive to succeed. Wishing you all the luck in the world!
  10. Wishing you the best of luck for your competition! Believe in yourself and give it your all—you've got this!

h. Good Luck Wishes for Performance/Presentation

  1. Good luck—you've prepared well for this moment. Just be yourself and enjoy the spotlight!
  2. Sending you positive energy and best wishes for your presentation. You're going to rock it!
  3. You've worked hard and practiced diligently. Now it's time to dazzle the audience. Good luck!
  4. You're about to captivate the audience with your talent and charisma. Wishing you all the luck in the world!
  5. Best of luck as you take the stage! Believe in yourself and your abilities—you've got this!
  6. Sending you my warmest wishes and support for your performance. Trust in your skills and shine bright!
  7. Wishing you courage, confidence, and unwavering determination as you take the stage. You're a star in the making—go shine!
  8. Wishing you clarity of mind, focus, and confidence as you deliver your presentation. Trust in yourself and your abilities.
  9. You're destined for greatness, and this performance is just the beginning. Good luck and make it memorable!
  10. Sending you my best wishes and support as you showcase your talent. Remember to have fun and enjoy the moment. Good luck!

i. Good Luck Wishes for Starting College

  1. Congratulations on starting college! May your journey be filled with endless opportunities, exciting adventures, lasting friendships, and valuable life lessons. Here's to the beginning of an incredible chapter in your life!
  2. You're about to embark on a journey that will challenge you, inspire you, and transform you in ways you never thought possible. Wishing you all the luck and success as you start college!
  3. Sending you my heartfelt wishes and support as you start this new chapter of your life. May your college years be filled with joy, growth, and unforgettable memories!
  4. Wishing you a smooth transition and endless success as you start college. Trust in yourself, stay focused, and remember to have fun!
  5. Wishing you courage, comfort, and happiness as you navigate your way through college. You've got this—believe in yourself!
  6. I hope that your college life will be better than your imagination. I hope you not only grow in your skills but as a person too. May this be one of the best phases of your life!
  7. Congratulations on starting college! May your college years be filled with exciting discoveries, meaningful connections, and academic achievements
  8. Sending you my warmest wishes and support as you start college. Trust in yourself, work hard, and never stop believing in your dreams!
  9. Best of luck as you navigate your way through college life. Remember, it's okay to feel nervous—it's all part of the journey!
  10. Good luck on your first day of college! You're about to embark on an incredible adventure of self-discovery and learning. I'm here for you!

Continue Reading: 60+ Thoughtful Get-Well Wishes for Your Loved Ones

Aarushi Tewari

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.

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