Anon's Story - Never a Quitter
"I found my purpose, I found me!"

Looking back on my life, and I'm talking about many decades, the challenges have been many. How I got through all of it, I'll never know. I believe my deep faith saw me through every bit of it. Growing up in India was hard enough for me as a female, and being a single parent, life was tough.
Coming to the UK was a huge culture shock! My troubles began almost the moment I arrived. English is my mother tongue, but the different accents made it hard to understand and be understood. Prejudice was nothing new for me. Being very fair-skinned, I had stood out in India and faced being singled out by bullies. In the UK, it was much worse. I knew my bridges were burnt, and there was no turning back.
I had problems finding a job, but my perseverance paid off, and things slowly started to improve. The next hardship was my marriage breaking down, and becoming a single parent. Again, determined not to give in to despair, I went on to Uni and got a degree. That transformed me. I found my purpose, I found me!
The confident person with talents I never knew I had. Seeing my son develop into a confident and amazing young man showed me it had all been so very worth it. The fact I very nearly had lost him to meningitis as a baby, with a bone infection, that could have resulted in him being lame for the rest of his life. Yet today he towers over me and is as healthy as can be.
Today I feel so much gratitude every single day; everything I get now is a bonus. My home, my successes, my many wonderful friendships, my lovely garden, my job, and my great colleagues, and the list goes on. I feel so blessed and so very thankful. Having found this Gratitude App is the icing on the cake. It is the best tool for keeping sight of all the blessings in my life, to read of others' inspiring stories too. I am deeply grateful for that.