Self Care Affirmations πŸ’— How to Be a Better Friend πŸ’› Julia's Story

Hey grateful people! Happy to see you again πŸ€—

Hope that you're all doing very well and living life gratefully.

Here is your gratitude newsletter:


1. Self Care Affirmations

Self-care is an important part of life, but it's rarely given the importance that it needs. So, in this affirmations session, we will prioritize self-care and choose to make time for it.

Here are some self-care affirmations:

  1. I take time to nourish my whole self.
  2. I am a priority in my own life.
  3. I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time.
  4. My self-care is worth making time for every day.
  5. I take great care of my body, for it is a temple and I treat it with respect.
  6. I have the right to complete all my needs.
  7. I am responsible for taking care of myself.
  8. Self-care is important to me.
  9. I always make time to nourish my body, mind, and soul.
  10. Every day, I put focus on caring for myself as I care for others.

2. Self Love Affirmations

We all deserve to feel loved, especially by ourselves. These self-love affirmations will help grow your self-esteem and worth, and most importantly, give you the love that you deserve.

Here are some self-love affirmations:

  1. I am calm and relaxed in all situations.
  2. My muscles are relaxed.
  3. My tension is melting away.
  4. I am relaxed and calm.
  5. I am comfortable around other people.
  6. I am thankful and grateful for the good in my life.
  7. Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.
  8. I am releasing all negative emotions from my system.
  9. I deserve a peaceful and loving life.
  10. I am breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness.

Wisdom and Self-Help Tips

My 7 Lessons On How to Be a Better Friend

Learning how to be a better friend is a life skill. It is profound how healthy, supportive friendships help lives, yours and mine.

I don’t know what would have happened if my friends hadn't been with me all these years, and I don’t wish to. I just know that it might’ve been bleak and lonely and fearful and much less fun.

My friends have taught me how to be a better friend. They shaped my life and are here to hold my heart when it’s drooping.

And, here I am sharing my lessons on how to be a better friend with you:

  1. Vulnerability is strength
  2. Humor is a powerful vehicle
  3. Belief is the best solution
  4. Showing up means a LOT
  5. Listen to understand
  6. Appreciation makes its mark
  7. Attend to their needs

Read about each of them below:

My 7 Lessons On How to Be a Better Friend
How can we support our friends more lovingly? How can we love them better? Here are the answers.

Inspirational Stories of Gratitude

Julia's Story - Oasis

This week, I want to share Arunima's story with you. It shows how her choice to prioritize herself

"I was always one of those people who would be kind and loving to others. But I had forgotten that I needed it too.

Universe gave me very clear signs through people and situations. Then slowly, I started working on myself.

I read this quote from Rumi - "Yesterday I was clever so I was changing the world; Today I am wise so I am changing myself." That hit me hard."

Tap below to read Julia's full story:

Julia’s Story - Oasis
β€œThe truth is that you have to hit rock bottom. And sadly for me, I had to hit it multiple times.”

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